I understand but instead of doing it that way you can just do
<input> <input>
in the form builder. Textarea will be full width, and the inputs half.
and you give them...
is there maybe a form I can use that isn't actually from my client to show case in a codepen?
with select, single checkbox and maybe textarea in a 2 column layout in marketo form ...
maybe you made the example a bit too complicated by putting 4 fields into a row
I still appreciate obviously, will see if I can post something after I am done with my stuff
thanks, highly appreciated
I noticed as well we had an according snippet doing this
MktoForms2.loadForm("//app-0X.marketo.com", "95X-XXX-XXX", form_id);
replaced it as well, bo...
yes we loading from app-*.marketo.com
I'm pretty sure that wasn't our idea, but the snippet was received this way.
not sure what is our LP domain... all our landing pages are on o...
it seems to work fine if I use a different browser
for example I just ran a test with opera, seems to pass and load the script
Why opera, well, they have an integrated vpn. It wor...
is there anything that works?
if I use a different virtual host, doesn't work either
If I directly access the URL of the script e.g.