Are there solutions / examples that use 2 column designs with flex-box?
I saw floats are used which are a bit rusty. Did someone by any chance lay the ground work for a flex v...
I heard this feature will arrive as well in chrome (though not sure)
if you do the following in EDGE 88 (chromium)
then reload a page with forms2.min.js I get a
and t...
when looking at the api
there does not seem to be a way to fail?
I probably have a way to fa...
hi guys
we started sending a lot of data with form submissions.
if you go to database, select a lead, then choose a form submission and look at the activity detail:
Is it someho...
hi guys
we get leads with for example
is there a marketo integrated way to ping and remove leads that have invalid email addresses?
we have, somewhat customized marketo forms that we use via the javascript api.
now the code stopped working in local dev environment, I suspect it is related to this call: