I do not think you can do this yet. Several people have had this idea though. I would vote those ideas up. Here is one of the idea links.Multi Select:https://community.marketo.com/...
Hi,Here is a quick how to:https://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000L7bfCACIf you are still having troubles, I can spend 5-10 min over the phone with you. You can ...
If you are just trying to see open rates, and which links people are clicking on, it may not matter. Now, you could set up different success paramters for each newsletter, and if t...
Agreed. Although I will miss the front picture which I believe was of Asutin (lake Travis). Quick question on the SEO app. From what I understand, it was released to everyone, but ...
That is interesting. I agree. If nothing else, it would be nice to toggle between the two. Nice catch Cecile. I am surprised they did not mention it in the release information (or ...
Hi Shantell,I would use URL paramaters. Here is a video from the summit on how to do it:http://summit.marketo.com/2014/replay/whats-driving-your-leads-10-steps-to-lead-source-manag...
It did go away. I have talked to support and a few other Marketo folks about this. They are supposed to bring it back. I hope it comes back soon too. I really liked that feature as...