I'm looking at my API integrations and so far I've created separate users and named them based on what part of the tech stack they relate to (ex: Facebook API user, Knak API user, ...
How are you handling 3rd party services sending email "as" the corporate domain, to internal and external recipients, from a cosmetic perspective (from address / reply-to address) ...
Does anyone have any experience with Ataccama.Our company is going to start using Ataccama, for data quality and governance.Smart, collaborative data curation platform for digital ...
I have a form that is on our English website using embed code </script>. This form has 20 smart campaigns.I need to make the same form in German with the same 20 smart campaigns. I...
We have rented a email list. some on the list are already in our Marketo database. I'm hoping that others fill out th form and agree to be on our list.What is the best way to impor...