Exactly right. Because the Pre-Promotion smart campaigns are run first (before smart campaigns run upon promotion), the additional filters will keep any action from happening on th...
You can do this without a special feature request, if you're clever with order of operations.Lifecycle Processing, which starts out with a "lead is created" trigger and then runs t...
Just a note, Neil—we use program tokens this way for that kind of thing, like Copyright Year. We put a top-level folder in Marketing Activities called "!UNIVERSAL" and then put all...
I agree—there should be an advanced option to exclude all in-line stylings alltogether for both forms and landing pages. That way we wouldn't have to deal with adding "!important" ...
Hey Michael, you can change leads' scores with a flow step. So if you run a batch campaign, you can say "anyone in these lists" as the target (smart list), and "change data value o...
I absolutely agree. There are lots of technical inefficiencies and this is a great example. Recognizing that a flow step comes from a batch instead of a trigger should group leads ...