Good morning @SanfordWhiteman,would it be possible to review my previous response please. I appreciate your input to date and would be grateful if you're able to assist with this r...
Hi @SanfordWhiteman & @ABabb_1,thank you both for your replies and apologies for the delayed response.As per your advice@SanfordWhiteman, I created the following:{{my.grab utm-sour...
Hi @SanfordWhiteman,thank you for confirming and for all your assistance. Thank you also to @Jo_Pitts1 for your feedback.As suggested, I have created a new ticket for how to use Te...
Hi @SanfordWhiteman,thank you for your reply, I'm pleased to report that the suggestion to add class="mktNoTrack" has worked and the URL value is being output in the email now rath...
HI @SanfordWhiteman & @Jo_Pitts1,thank you very much for your replies, I appreciate you taking the time. I believe I have achieved partial success in that I can now reference the v...
Hi @SanfordWhiteman ,apologies for following up but I was wondering if you'd had the chance to review my response below. If you can advise on how to correctly reference the $produc...
Hi @SanfordWhiteman ,thank you for your reply. I have now configured the 1st token, {{my.product-Permalinks}} as advised and shown below:The 2nd token - {{my.Product-Preferences-v1...
Hi @SanfordWhiteman,thanks for your further response. So if I've created an Email Script token titled {{my.Product-Links}} as follows:#set ( $productLinks = "ProductCode1 ; https:/...
Hi @SanfordWhiteman,thank you very much for your feedback, much appreciated.I have attempted to follow your advice but am not able to successfully reference an Email Script token i...