It appears that in the way our scoring model is set up, there are no constraints on email clicks. We've had a few leads click the same link in an email 8-10 times within a span of ...
Hello community members,I’m currently working on a project where I need to extract program names from a list of program URLs. Has anyone tackled this challenge before and succeeded...
Can someone share their views on running segmentation for categorizing job levels based on job titles? Do you think using segments is better than using smart lists? I understand th...
I'm trying to leverage the Create task flow step to create a bunch of taks in SFDC.These tasks will be created for various SFDC leads and contacts.The subject of the tasks will be ...
We utilize RCE and have developed a multitude of dashboards to derive diverse insights. However, I am encountering a challenge in effectively visualizing the program names that hav...
Current Situation: In Marketo's default sync error reports, some errors display the Marketo ID but lack the Salesforce (SFDC) ID. This omission makes it challenging for users to qu...
Current Situation: In Marketo, creating a Smart List that includes Salesforce (SFDC) campaigns requires entering the exact campaign names. This process can be tedious and prone to ...
HelloI wan to set up a trigger campaign that checks the score of leads and if the score is very low (below 1), then prevent them from synching to SFDC. I could not find a suitable ...
I'm doing a list import from an event booth visits. I have about 100 leads to import and some of these already exist in our db.I want to import the new 70 leads and also update the...
We have Bot Activity filter enabled under Email section in Admin. I can see a good number of activities recorded there both for IAB list and Proximity Pattern. They both are in a f...