Just had a co-worker test. His Fill Out Form appears in the activity history, as do the parameters in the details; however, the Referred By field in the Lead Details is still blank...
Well, your test lead populated the Referred By value correctly, and the Fill Out Form showed up on the activity log. I wonder why my existing record is struggling. Every time I fil...
Thanks for your response and testing, Justin. I had seen the same thing when I clicked to get to the landing page. It confused me as to why filling out the form still left that val...
http:// info.landesk.com/Xtraction-Webinar-Oct-26.html?r=revel(The space is because when I paste it without the space, the URL changes and just displays the company name.)Thanks fo...
@GregIn the case that a record was already created in SFDC, this wouldn't be much help, would it? For instance, a record may exist in SFDC with multiple campaigns. They could poten...
Justin, this post has a wealth of good information in it. This consolidates dozens of Community posts and questions into one easy-to-read, intelligent piece. Thanks for putting the...
Huh...interesting. I didn't know it wouldn't add the default if that token was present. Thank you! I'm assuming, then, once I remove that token from the template, the default link ...