Our security team has expressed concerns around clickjacking on Marketo landing pages using iframes to display forms. They suggested using <meta http-equiv="X-Frame-Options: DENY"/...
I want to create a report that essentially shows the best send times.We typically get emails out the door at 7am, 10am, noon-ish, and sometimes later in the afternoon.And we send e...
This can't be too hard. We have a nurture program. It's pretty basic.Since January we've been adding people to the program through weekly list imports.Now we need to remove a few t...
I'm fairly new to engagement/nurture streams in Marketo. This can't be a tough question to answer for the geniuses in this community!We're setting up a simple nurture stream where ...
I'm relatively new to Marketo. So far using it primarily for batch campaigns and some engagement.Yesterday one of the product managers on our Web team asked if they might use Marke...
New user here.We have a form. We get X number of leads per day.Someone in marketing wants to get a list of everyone new who completed the form, once per day.Preferably we set this ...
New Marketo user. Maybe this is easy.Past email platforms I've used sent Email Delivery Confirmations to me right after the campaign was delivered.Marketo doesn't seem to do this a...