Hi Gunjan,Thanks for the idea!It's a request we have heard from several sources and I agree would be a great feature.Part of the 2015 Roadmap will be to improve features in the cam...
Hi Emily,Thanks for the idea, I've heard similar requests related to the Recommendation bar especially for multi-language sites.As you correctly mentioned, you cannot guarantee tha...
Hi Jesse,Thanks for the idea, you will be happy to know, that in our latest version release this month,we enhanced the Mobile segmentation options to include your request.You can n...
Hi Gunjan,An In Zone campaign associates with an ID zone on your website (usually a Div ID), if his ID is the same name across all your web pages then the campaign will display in ...
Hi Don,Thanks for the follow up question, regarding targeting visitors coming to your site from Google Adwords.You can target (segment and run real-time campaigns) to the visitors ...
Hi Dan,Regarding your question about Marketo RTP as a stand alone offering vs the integration with Marketo Marketing Automation.As a stand alone platform Marketo RTP, can identify ...
Hi Don,Thanks for your question.For presenting a real-time call to action or content, we currently provide those three options you mentioned: a Dialog, Inzoen and Widget.Here is a ...