Why isn't Click rate listed in the Email Link Performance Report?

Not applicable

Why isn't Click rate listed in the Email Link Performance Report?

The link performance tab calculates % clicks by dividing the clicks of a certain link by the total number of clicks of all the links. However, it doesn't display click rate, which is calculated by dividing the clicks of a link by the number of times it was seen.

Does anyone know why the report doesn't display click rate, or how to get it to do so? Thanks!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Why isn't Click rate listed in the Email Link Performance Report?

this may be resolved with the new report system Email Insights.

But if you want this, you can probably create it in a spreadsheet with all of the data.

Not applicable

Re: Why isn't Click rate listed in the Email Link Performance Report?

I'm also hoping this will be resolved with the addition of Email Insights. In the meantime, you can create an excel sheet and solve for the click rate base don what Marketo already provides.

But I agree, it should already be in results and reporting.