Using Inferred Data to Redirect Known or Anonymous Persons to their correct country page

Level 1

Using Inferred Data to Redirect Known or Anonymous Persons to their correct country page

Hi all, 


Our website has multiple country pages with localized content and we often run into the issue of folks ending up on the wrong country page. To better their experience, I'm looking to see if there's a way to utilize the inferred data (country, state, etc based on IP) that Marketo gathers through the munchkin code so that we can use that to redirect them to the correct page and experience. This would ideally be for both known and anonymous folks. Other than changing up the navigation and UI of the pages themselves which is already a project at play, do you all have any suggestions on what is possible here?


Thanks much, 



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Inferred Data to Redirect Known or Anonymous Persons to their correct country page

The inferred data is not available on the first pageview. (It's updated asynchronously on the back end.)

Other than that situation, you could segment content by the inferred fields but I would *strongly discourage* using this data as a guide to the person's actual geographic region. You must let the person choose their setting. Inferred data is a broad brush with many mistakes.