Smart List Filter "Email Address does not contain" Not Working

Level 2

Smart List Filter "Email Address does not contain" Not Working


I have created a large email send. One of the filters is "Email Address does not contain..." When I check the send list all the email addresses with exclusion are still there. I have a smaller email campaign with the same smart list exclusions and that one is working. Is it because the send is too large? Too many exclusions?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Smart List Filter "Email Address does not contain" Not Working

Please move the thread to Products‌. This isn't a support space. Move link will be at the right.

Level 2

Re: Smart List Filter "Email Address does not contain" Not Working

4 years later, I ran into the same problem. It's a subtle bug in Marketo and I will file a report.

The simplest way to reproduce it:
Create a Smart List with 1 condition. "Email Address" not contains. Open the list of values and enter something like "accounting@" and a second value of "@gmail".
If you look at the People list, Marketo will ignore the accounting@ rule. But it will enforce the @gmail rule. If you keep adding values like "something@", they will all be ignored because of the presence of that "@gmail".

Workaround for the problem:
Instead of using 1 "not contains" condition in your smart list to combine something@ and @domain rules, break them out into 2 separate rules that you combine with an AND. 




[Edit: the issue doesn't appear to affect the "Sales Owner Email Address" field, so it might have something to do with Email Address being a special key field in Marketo.]

Level 2

Re: Smart List Filter "Email Address does not contain" Not Working

Level 10

Re: Smart List Filter "Email Address does not contain" Not Working

Interesting. Thanks for sharing!


I knew that Email Contains filters with "@" are treated in a very specific - and I believe: efficient - way, but I didn't know about these consequences. Good to know.