Hi all,
My developer is attempting to use the "Get Multiple Leads by Filter Type" REST API (http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/rest/get-multiple-leads-by-filter-type) with a custom date field as a filter.
Here is the call:
curl 'https://[our_id].mktorest.com/rest/v1/leads.json?filterType=updated_date&filterValues="2015-02-23"&access_token=[our_token]'
Here is the response:
{"requestId":"98f5#14bbd3fcf34","success":false,"errors":[{"code":"1011","message":"Lookup field 'updated_date' not supported"}]}
The error message doesn't give a lot of context. Is it that a date field is not a valid filter type for this call?
What custom field types are supported? The docs are vague on this point.