"Original Source Type" via Leads API or Lead Bulk Extract API?

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"Original Source Type" via Leads API or Lead Bulk Extract API?

I can't figure out how to get "Original Source Type" from the Leads API. I exported the field names from my instance and I don't see "Original Source Type" in there anywhere or even "Source Type". Is it possible to get these fields from the Lead API or the new Lead Bulk Extract API?

If not, I know they can probably be pulled out of "New Lead" activities that have "Source Type" on them, I think that's the same data? I think that "Source Type" is the same as Original Source Type? Is it possible to get these for every lead no mater how old or do those activities expire?

Pardon if I'm confused here, I just don't see where the right place is to get that data. Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: "Original Source Type" via Leads API or Lead Bulk Extract API?

Hi Kurt Koller

I exported the field names from my instance and I don't see "Original Source Type" in there anywhere or even "Source Type".

Exported "Fields.xls" dosen't include these fields but we can use fields "originalSourceType" and "originalSourceInfo".

For example



{"requestId":"2463#15cbe7436ec","result":[{"id":1000066,"originalSourceType":"List import","originalSourceInfo":"List: DummyLead_20141210"}],"success":true}

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Re: "Original Source Type" via Leads API or Lead Bulk Extract API?

Hi Kurt Koller

I exported the field names from my instance and I don't see "Original Source Type" in there anywhere or even "Source Type".

Exported "Fields.xls" dosen't include these fields but we can use fields "originalSourceType" and "originalSourceInfo".

For example



{"requestId":"2463#15cbe7436ec","result":[{"id":1000066,"originalSourceType":"List import","originalSourceInfo":"List: DummyLead_20141210"}],"success":true}

Level 4

Re: "Original Source Type" via Leads API or Lead Bulk Extract API?

Thank you, I will try this. As long as you had a definitive answer for that, do you know if there's a way to request a field indicating whether a lead is marketing suspended?

Level 4

Re: "Original Source Type" via Leads API or Lead Bulk Extract API?

I ran a successful test, thanks.

The field names are also in the describe.json API call, though they're not in the Export that you can do from the Marketo UI. I never tried describe before because I had an exported field list for the UI.

Thanks for the answer.

Marketo Employee

Re: "Original Source Type" via Leads API or Lead Bulk Extract API?

The field names are available in the export that you can do from the Marketo UI.original_source_fields.png

Level 4

Re: "Original Source Type" via Leads API or Lead Bulk Extract API?

That doesn't give the API names, but we did the these fields in the describe.json call for lead.