When filtering mObjects with a datetime field, it looks like the timezone is not taken into consideration.
getMObjects with the below criteria returns the results correctly.
whereas the below query is returning zero results
If you observe the timestamps are 2012-08-03T
17:24:23+00:00 and 2012-08-03T
12:24:23-05:00 which are equal and should return the same results.
In addition it looks like the timezone is not considered properly, the above filter on
12:24:23-05:00 (or) 2012-08-03T
12:24:23+05:00 (or) 2012-08-03T
12:24:23+00:00 (or) 2012-08-03T
12:24:23[Anytimezone] returns the same results.
Is it a bug? Can someone confirm this.