I'm trying to get our channels set-up a bit more robustly, and I'm tweaking our 'Conference' channel. This channel is for shows/conferences/conventions we are exhibitors at. I'd like the setup to be akin to:
Pre-Event Email Received | 10
Pre-Registered | 20
Visited Event | 30
Visited Booth | 40
Converted at Booth | 40
No Show | 50
However, the Marketo Event program type requires a 'Waitlisted' status. As we are exhibitors, there is never a case we will waitlist someone that wants to visit our booth.
I suppose the 'best' answer here is just to add a 'Waitlisted' status that is never used, but that just seemed a bit silly to me and I wanted to make sure there was nothing I was missing!
To clarify: I'm aligning these statuses with the statuses within the Campaign in SFDC, so I just want to try to keep all our data as clean, friendly, and reportable as possible, so an unsused status seemed a bit... impractical?