Implementing a New Instance? Check Out This Checklist!

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

Getting started with an Adobe Marketo Engage implementation is no easy task. There are so many things to do inside and outside your instance. One of the keys to any successful implementation is documentation. Keeping track of tasks in progress along with knowing the key areas to get your instance up and running are not only pivotal now, but it will also set you up for long term success. As a new admin going through a fresh implementation, you can now use this checklist to help guide you through the implementation process! 


Special thank you to Adobe Marketo Engage Champions @Brooke_Bartos1@Britney_Young1@Alex_Lane, and @Chloe_Pott  for their contributions to this checklist! This checklist was built off our Inherited Instance Checklist so another big thank you to contributors of that checklist: @Grace_Brebner3,   @Jessica_Kao3,   @Sydney_Gordon2,   @Amanda_Thomas6,   @Amy_Goldfine,   @Ajay_Sarpal2,   @Angela_Ruggeri1,  @Ashley_Langfor2 ,  @Natalie_Kremer , @Brooke_Bartos1 ,  @Kelly_Horton1 ,   @Nicholas_Hajdin. 


Have suggestions for more best practices? Comment on this post or message me directly!

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