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Want to gauge how many leads clicked through a link you have in your social media or other outlets? This can be done using URL Parameters at the end of the URLs you use. Basically, you just add a little bit of code to the end of the hyperlinked URL. When leads click through and arrive at your Landing Page, that code can be captured into a hidden Form field. Here’s how to do it.   Quick Overview of URL Parameters In the structure of a URL, there are two main parts. The first part is used for navigation, and the second part is used to pass data along. The two parts are separated by a question mark. For example, let’s look at this URL:   The first part of the URL, “” is the main part of the URL used for navigation. The whole rest of the URL from the question mark on, “?URLParameter=ThisIsAParameter” is referred to as a querystring. It isn’t needed for navigation to the page specified, but can be used to pass the extra data you want to include.   This is a article attached image   The querystring contains the URL Parameters, which are used to push data into the hidden Form fields. In the querystring “?URLParameter=ThisIsAParameter” used here, “URLParameter” corresponds to the name of the parameter you use when designating the value for the hidden Form field, and “ThisIsAParameter” will be the value that is actually entered into that field. You can add additional values into additional other fields by adding those into the format of the URL separated by an ampersand like this:   In this example, you’ve got the same initial value being pushed into the first hidden field, but now two more hidden fields will store the next two values as well. The name of the parameter for the second hidden field would be “URLParameter2” and the value put into it would be “ThisIsValue2”. The third hidden field parameter name would be “URLParameter3” and the value put into this field would be “ThisIsValue3”. This is a article attached image Applying This to Social Media Use So, how does this let you track leads coming from each of your social media sources? Well, in setting up your different promotional channels, when adding the hyperlink, you can customize the URL parameter for each channel so that the values passed will input the information specific to where they came from. The parameter values will change from one social media outlet to the next, but the structure and format will stay the same.   Let’s use the social media sources of Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook as examples. Since you’re looking to identify the source of these leads, you’d likely want to name your parameter as “Source” so that it’s easily identifiable. Using the same base URL, let’s see how you’d structure the URLs. For hyperlinks placed on Twitter: For hyperlinks placed on LinkedIn: For hyperlinks placed on Facebook:   When leads fill out the form on your landing page, the Source field will then tell you exactly where they came from! The best part, this is completely customizable and scalable. You can add more parameters and hidden fields to capture additional information like what campaign it is for.   Documentation How to make form fields hidden: How to define hidden form field value: (Look for the section on URL Parameters in particular) Using the URL builder to generate the URLs you’ll be using:    
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With the evolving best practices and awareness around data privacy, Marketo will be upgrading how we handle form pre-fill. What change is being made? Starting April 24, 2019, Marketo will only pre-fill form fields if the URL used to navigate to the Marketo landing page contains a valid mkt_tok URL parameter value (which occurs when users click tracked links in Marketo emails). What that means is, any time a person is viewing a Marketo landing page with a form, the URL being used must contain the mkt_tok token in the query string, otherwise the form on that landing page will not be pre-filled. If the URL in the browser window does have a valid mkt_tok tracking token, then the form within the page will pre-fill as expected with data corresponding to the person record associated with that mkt_tok. Also note that if you are embedding Marketo Landing Pages within other web pages using an <iframe>, the mkt_tok would need to be passed from the parent page to the <iframe> URL if you intend for form prefill to work within the <iframe> ​How did it work before? Previously, Marketo landing pages would rely on Munchkin tracking cookies to identify known person records, and forms would pre-fill based on that cookie. Form pre-fill did not require being linked to a Marketo landing page from a tracked email link. Why is this changing? This upgrade is being made to provide a more consistent and more secure experience with Marketo’s forms. We have identified that, in the past, people have experienced scenarios where data pre-filled into a form didn’t always correspond with the actual person viewing the page. For example, people using a shared computer or those who may have been cookied incorrectly by clicking through a forwarded email, could end up viewing incorrect data associated with a different person. To provide a more consistent customer experience, and as a security enhancement, Marketo is upgrading the conditions under which the form pre-fill will display known customer information. In short, pre-fill will only work when users clickthrough links in Marketo emails, demonstrating that they have ownership of the email address associated with the known person record. Below is a list of different scenarios and how form pre-fill will work moving forward. Please note, these changes to form pre-fill will not affect any other functionality of Marketo Forms, including the progressive profiling feature. Scenario Will the form pre-fill? Notes Clicking a tracked link in a Marketo email to a Marketo landing page with a form which has pre-fill enabled Yes The email link must have mkt_tok enabled. Links that are not tracked or that have mkt_tok disabled will not work. Navigating directly to a Marketo landing page with a form which has pre-fill enabled No A direct link to the landing page will not have the mkt_tok present in the HTTP request. Refreshing a Marketo landing page with a form which has pre-fill enabled No The mkt_tok is stripped from the URL after Marketo Landing Pages load so refreshing the page will not include the mkt_tok in the URL. As a result, pre-fill will not work. Clicking a link in a sample email to a Marketo landing page with a form which has pre-fill enabled No The sample email will not have a valid mkt_tok attached to the link and so will not pre-fill the form. If you wish to test form pre-fill you will need to use a real email from a Marketo campaign. Navigating to a non-Marketo page that includes an embedded Marketo form which has pre-fill enabled No This behavior does not change with the upgrade. Pre-fill has never been supported for Marketo forms that are embedded on non-Marketo pages. Navigating to a non-Marketo page that includes an <iframe> pointing to a Marketo Landing Page that includes a form with pre-fill enabled With custom implementation The form within the Marketo Landing Page that is being loaded in the <iframe> will pre-fill if the mkt_tok value from the original HTTP request is passed along to the <iframe> URL Visiting a Marketo page with a mkt_tok that is not associated with the same person record as an existing Marketo Munchkin cookie currently stored on the browser No This will prevent the wrong person’s information from being displayed in cases where a computer is shared, or an email with a mkt_tok tracked link is forwarded to another person that may already be cookied as a known person in your database. Copying a Marketo tracked link from an email and sharing/pasting it externally (email, blog, chat, social media post, etc.) that enables another individual to click the tracked link Yes The tracked link in a Marketo email will redirect to a URL with the mkt_tok included, so anyone clicking this link will reach a page and see pre-fill data associated with the known person record from the “to” line of the email.
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Marketo campaign queues work like a mall parking lot.  We accommodate average and even above average loads.  But if it's Christmas, you may have to wait a while for a spot.   The campaign execution queue When a flow is launched, Marketo assigns it a priority then queues it for execution.  This priority is based on how the campaign was launched (batch, trigger, resume from Wait) and what's in the flow: Priority level Priority criteria High Send email (triggered) Send alert Medium Request Campaign Interesting Moment Create Task Convert / Delete Lead Add to / Remove from List Change Sales Owner / Progression Status / Revenue Stage / Field in Program Change Member of / Add to / Remove from Sync to SFDC Change Status in SFDC Campaign Low Change data value Change score Wait steps with a wait time > 5 minutes Web hooks Marketo then executes campaigns based on priorities.  High priority campaigns run first in the order they were added to the queue.  Once those are finished, the next highest priority campaigns are executed in time order and so on down until all have completed. If the queue contains only low priority campaigns and a new high priority campaign comes in, the high priority campaign will jump to the head of the line and run next. Batch campaigns and trigger campaigns are run and processed in separate queues.   "Why is my campaign running slow?" Several factors determine how fast and when your campaign will run.  In general, campaign execution time depends on: The campaign's priority The complexity of the smart list filters being used - See Best Practices for Smart Lists The number of records that qualify for the campaign The number of flow steps used in the campaign The complexity of Choices in the flow steps   Even though Marketo can execute many campaigns simultaneously, there are only so many resources available to process smart campaigns. Also, certain campaign flow steps take longer to process, than others.  The flow steps below take longer than most, and you may notice that difference when executing your campaigns: Send Email Delete Lead Sync Lead to Sales Add Lead to SFDC Campaign Call Webhook   Speeding up your campaigns Here are some tips to speed up how and when your campaigns are executed: Do essential flow steps first If this is an auto-response or notification campaign, put the Send Email or Send Alert flow step first.  Absolutely do this if you're using two slow steps in a row (Send Email followed by Sync Lead to Sales) so that the email goes out with the highest priority. Don't start with a "Wait" step If you need to delay the launch of your batch campaign, use the batch campaign scheduler.  Re-think any triggered campaigns that start with a "Wait" step because it will be prioritized lower; you probably don't need to include it anyway. If you have a wait step of longer then 5 minutes this will cause all flows below it have a low priority.
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To enable Marketo to meet the performance demands of its customers, Marketo has a standardized Data Retention Policy used across the platform. This policy applies to the activities stored in the activity logs of people in your database.   Activities and Data Retention There are three components to our data retention policy: a retention period of 14 days for one activity, 90 days for twelve high-volume activities; and a retention period of 25 months for other lead activities. Activity with Retention Period of 14 days Activities Retained for 14 Days       Delete Lead   Activities with Retention Period of 90 days The high-volume activities listed below will be retained for 90-days. After 90-days, these activities will be permanently deleted. Activities Retained for 90 Days Add to List Change Score Change Data Value Visit Webpage Click Link on Webpage Sync Lead to SFDC Sync Lead to Microsoft Sync Lead Updates to SFDC Update Opportunity Request Campaign Email Delivered* Send Email*   * Email Delivered and Send Email activities change from 25 months to 90 days effective August 31st, 2020.  More information here.   Activities with Retention Period of 25 Months The activities listed below will be retained for 25 months. After 25 months, all such lead activities will be permanently deleted. The only exception is the New Lead activity, which will always be displayed in the activity log. All other activities will be deleted, but the New Lead activity will not, giving you a permanent record of when the lead was created and how. Category Activities Retained for 25 Months Web Click Predictive Content Click RTP Call to Action Fill Out Form Smart Campaign Add to Engagement Program Call Webhook Change Lead Partition Change Engagement Program Cadence Change Engagement Program Stream Change Program Success Change Revenue Stage Change Program Member Data Change Revenue Stage Manually Change Program Status Compute Data Value Enrich with Execute Campaign Interesting Moment Merge Leads Remove from List Resolve Ruleset Reward Test Group Variant Schedule Test Variants Send Alert Engagement Program Cast Push Lead to Marketo Social Click Shared Link Share Content Vote in Poll Email Click Email Email Bounced Email Bounced Soft Open Email Received Forward to Friend Email Sent Forward to Friend Email Unsubscribe Email CRM - Salesforce Add to Opportunity Add to SFDC Campaign Change Owner Change Status in SFDC Campaign Click Sales Email Convert Lead Delete Lead from SFDC Lead Assigned New SFDC Opportunity Open Sales Email Receive Sales Email Remove from Opportunity Remove from SFDC Campaign Resolve Conflicts SFDC Activity Sales Email Bounced Send Sales Email SFDC Activity Updated SFDC Merge Leads Add to Case Add to SFDC Custom Object Test (Contact) CRM - Microsoft Dynamics Add to Opportunity (Contact) Add to Opportunity (Account) Remove from Opportunity (Contact) Remove from Opportunity (Account) Update Opportunity (Contact) Update Opportunity (Account) Delete Lead from Microsoft Segmentation Add to Segment Change Segment     Retaining Data Marketo’s data retention policy gives you a rolling 90-day view of certain high-volume activities and a rolling 25-month view of other lead activity data. To help prevent any actual data loss, Marketo has developed a Bulk Extract API that enables you to export this data directly if desired. Once exported, you will be able to host this information locally and utilize it in any way you deem necessary. Premium Data Retention Option Marketo offers a premium Extended Data Retention subscription option that will allow activity data to be stored for 37 months instead of the standard retention period of 25 months. The high-volume activities, however, will only be retained for 90 days even with the premium option. For more information, contact your Customer Success Manager.  
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Issue How to use the Web Page, Referrer URL, or Query String constraints to specify web page when using one form on multiple pages. Solution Use the appropriate constraint to specify which page the form is on when using a "Fills Out Form" trigger or "Filled Out Form" filter in a Smart List. There are three options: Web Page Referrer URL Query String   Web Page This constraint is designed for Marketo Landing Pages. If you have one form on multiple pages, and were attempting to specify a Marketo Landing Page, then you would use Web Page.  If you use Web Page, your value is the Landing Page asset name, such as "Global Contact Form Page". Or if the page is local to a program, the name format would be [program name].[landing page name]   Referrer URL This constraint is designed for external, non-Marketo pages. If the form you have is embedded on an external page, the value you would enter would be the URL of the page.This constraint is very picky about the values entered. Say the form is on Only the following 2 options would function: Referrer URL - is - Referrer URL - contains -   By using "is", the exact value must match. When using "contains" a smaller portion of the whole can be used. Even "contains" /contact-us would have worked successfully, but the less specific the value is the more other pages could qualify depending on the use case. Generally, "contains" is advised with a unique portion of the URL because there can often be querystrings on URLs that would then not satisfy the "is" constraint.   Querystrings If the form is on a page, and the page has a querystring, such as:, then the form submission activity on the Marketo record would have a new field in the Detail called Query Parameters. (Querystring, Query String, Query Parameters are all the same thing.) If you set up direct links to the Page with unique querystrings, then you would be able to use the Querystring constraint and use values from the querystring in the trigger/filter form fillout campaign.
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Leads can be auto unsubscribed due to default Feedback Loop setup with the ISPs listed on this page. You can use the following filters to find leads that have clicked the SPAM button in your emails:   Filter 1: Data Value Changed Attribute: Unsubscribe New Value: True Reason: Contains, Customer Complaint Received from ISP.   (Optional to Specify what Email Domain) Filter 2: Email Address Email Address: Contains, @domain.    
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Issue You want to edit a campaign flow after initiating the run, but there are already members running through the flow in the wait steps. Solution Generally speaking, it is best to not edit the flow of a campaign after activating/initiating. Example: Let's say that a particular campaign has 3 flow steps: Change program status Wait 2 days Send email And you would like to add a new step in between 1&2, so the new flow would be Change program status Change score Wait 2 days Send email If you add a new Flow step above a wait step, the wait step shifts down. However, currently there are leads waiting the designated 2 days (Flow step #2). (It's helpful to think about wait steps like buckets. Once a lead enters the flow step, the wait duration is calculated, and the lead waits there in that flow step bucket for that amount of time.)   If the campaign was initiated, and a lead entered Flow step #2 and began waiting 2 days, and then you add an additional step above, the Wait 2 days becomes Flow step #3. Now when the leads are done waiting 2 days in Flow Step #2 bucket, then they exit and progress to #3. Even though the actual wait step shifts from #2 to #3, the lead records are still in Step #2 bucket, and they do not shift from #2 to #3, meaning they are now waiting an additional 2 days.   Solution: The solution here is to create a new campaign with the desired flow steps for the same membership (same Smart List), and then run a "Remove from Flow" single action by clicking the following in the old campaign (the one you wanted to edit):   View Campaign Members > Select All > Person Actions > Special > Remove from Flow. In the Run Action dialog box, click on "is" and change to "this campaign". Click "Run Now". After removing these members, they will not progress further into the old campaign flow, and now the new campaign is ready to be activated/initiated.    
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Issue This describes the difference in how filter logic applies to triggers and filters in a Smart Campaign Smart List. Solution Issue Resolution You can view the video on this here. Filter logic in a Smart List only applies to filters (the green criteria) and not triggers (the orange criteria.) If you have multiple triggers in a Smart Campaign, they will always operate on ANY/OR logic, which is to say, only one of the triggers needs to fire in order for the Smart Campaign to run. The filter logic you select, whether it is AND, ANY, or Advanced, will be used to further filter the leads after the trigger has fired.
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Issue If your Smart Lists are processing slowly, you may be able to speed them up using Segmentations for exclusion lists.     Solution Many companies maintain email exclusion lists based on a number of criteria. In Marketo, these are often set up using Smart Lists that are then referenced in "Member of Smart List" filters. However, Smart Lists that reference other Smart Lists can be slow to resolve. Using a Segmentation for your exclusion lists instead of Smart Lists can help your campaigns and programs run more efficiently. Instructions for setting up Segmentations can be found here: Create a Segmentatio.  You can then use the Segmentation filters in your Smart List rather than the "Member of Smart List" filters: Use Segment Filters in a Smart List.
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Issue There are two filters available (Acquisition Program and Acquisition Program Name), but only Acquisition Program Name appears in the lead record and is available as a column in the lead views.  What is the difference between these? Solution Acquisition Program is a system-managed field. It isn't available in many picklists, nor in certain filters. Acquisition Program Name is a field that allows you to use this data more freely as it is not locked by the system. Acquisition Program = Master naming for programs Acquisition Program Name = Friendly usable name    
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Issue An email was expected to sent out on a specific cast of Nurture Program but a specific lead or couple of records did not receive it.   Environment Marketo>Engagement Program Solution There are a number of steps to begin troubleshooting this query and here is a flowchart how to proceed. 1). Check if engagement program is turned on from its setup up. Also check if at the time of email cast, the program status was on (this can be checked from Admin>Audit Trial) 2). Check if the email asset which was expected to send was present in the Nurture Stream at the time of cast. Also check if that email asset was activated (having green arrow). Both of these can be checked from Audit trail where you will find the log of "Add Email" and "Activate Email" along with its date/time. 3). Check if the lead is present in that specific stream using the smart list filter "Member of Engagement Program > Stream = <required stream>" 4). In the same smart list, use filter of "Engagement Program Cadence Changed" and set "New Value = Paused" and see if that lead qualifies it or not. A paused cadence would mean the lead has been temporarily restricted to move in the flow of nurture stream and hence will not received any email content. 5). Most important step- Go to the activity log of lead and search for the engagement program's name in the quick find bar. Look for all logs along with their dates when the lead performed any activity related to that engagement program like added to program, changed cadence, removed from program, etc. 6). In continuation of step 5, check in the activity log if the lead was added to engagement program in less than 25 hours before the next cast by looking at the time of log "Added to Engagement Program". This is because as per the doc, the lead must be added atleast 25 hours before the cast to abide by the recipient  time zones otherwise it will skip that current cast and will qualify for the next cast. Schedule Engagement Programs with Recipient Time Zone | Adobe Marketo Engage 7). In continuation to step 5, check if the lead was moved to a different stream via getting qualified into transition rules. Transition rules are present in stream of those engagement programs that have more than one stream and are used to move leads from one stream to another. Transition People Between Engagement Streams | Adobe Marketo Engage 8). Check if the lead is unsubscribed, email invalid, email suspended (this one is only valid for 24 hours), marketing suspended or block listed because any of these 5 conditions would block the lead from receiving any communication from any of the Marketo's program or campaign. 9). Check if the record has hit the communication limit. Go to Admin>Communication limit and see what we currently have setup. If limit is 2 emails per day, then create smart list "Was sent email>Email Is ANY> Minimum Number of times 2" and see if lead qualifies in it. Alternatively you can go into lead's activity log and manually count number of "Send Email" logs in last 24 hours and in last 7 days and match it with the communication limit of Admin tab. Using programs as stream content: We can also use programs (default and event) in nurture stream instead of direct email assets. 10). In case of using a program, the email can be sent out to the required audience only if that program have a smart campaign with filter "Member of Engagement Program>Name of Program" and flowstep of "Send Email". So make sure the smart campaign has these configurations. (Make sure the campaign has to be a batch campaign and not trigger) 11). If above pointer is true still record is not present in the result tab of the campaign, then check all steps from step 1- step 9. If nothing is found then check if smart list has more than just "Member of Engagement Program" filter and if the lead is failing to qualify any of the other filter. 12). Check in the schedule tab if qualification rules says "Each Lead can qualify only once". If yes then go to campaign member tab and search if lead is already a member, if yes then lead will not qualify again and this is why email was not sent. 13). Check if flowstep has a wait step and the lead is stuck there because wait step does not create any log in the results tab. People in waitstep can be checked from dashboard of the smart campaign. 14). For any other possible reason why the lead did not qualify the smart campaign, you can look for the knowledge base "Lead not qualifying smart campaign- Universal Checklist" under heading of Batch Campaign: 15). If all above pointers have been checked still unable to figure out why the email was not sent on a specific cast, escalate the case to Tier 2.
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Issue Issue Description Using a token in the Smart List of a Smart Campaign yields unexpected results, an error, or the campaign to not trigger.    Solution Issue Resolution Tokens cannot be used in the Smart List section of Smart Campaigns. Tokens can be used in the Smart Campaign Flow, in the following steps: Interesting Moments Change Data Value Salesforce Campaign Steps (add, remove, change status) Create Task
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Issue You want to run a report that will show you which leads/people clicked on links within a specific email.     Solution The Email Performance report will show click rate and what links are in emails, but not which specific leads leads clicked on a link. To see that, you can instead create a Smart List. Using the filter of "Clicked Link in Email," you can then pick the desired email and the results of the Smart List will show you which leads clicked a link in the desired email.
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Issue You are unable to abort a triggered Smart Campaign currently in progress.   Solution The "Abort Campaign" function only works for batch campaigns. To stop leads from going through the flow of a triggered campaign, do the following:   Deactivate the trigger campaign in the Schedule tab. This will prevent new leads from entering the campaign flow steps. It will not stop leads that have already entered from continuing through the flow. Use a "Remove from Flow" step to remove existing campaign members from the flow. This can be done a few different ways. View Campaign Members > Select All > Lead Actions > Special > Remove from Flow If the leads are in a Wait Step, you can add a Remove From Flow step after the Wait Step in the trigger campaign Create a small batch campaign with a "Member of Smart Campaign" Smart List filter and a "Remove from Flow" flow step that specifies the trigger campaign you want to remove them from.  
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Issue A Program or Smart Campaign was deleted and you would like to have it restored. Solution Marketo Support cannot restore deleted programs or campaigns. Marketo Support can only restore deleted leads, emails, and landing pages within a certain amount of time after deletion.  Landing pages and emails that are assets of a deleted program cannot be restored. Marketo Support can provide the smart campaign configuration, including details such as filters in the smart list and flow steps. It's essential, however, that the deleted campaign is relatively recent, ideally within the last 2 weeks.
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Issue An email program fails to send emails to a large number of leads/people in the Smart List.     Solution Sometimes leads/people in your Email Program's Smart List will be skipped in the email send because they already reached their daily/weekly communication limit. You can confirm if this has occurred by following these steps: Open your Email Program. Change your view to Control Panel. Click on View Results in the top left panel to see a list of all activities attributed to the email program. Click on Filter > Custom. Select the Send Email box. Click the Apply button. Scroll to the bottom of the list. If the leads/people have been skipped due to communication limits, you will see that a large number of leads/people listed as "Skipped Lead already used up Daily/Weekly communication limit."   You can check or adjust your Communication Limits in the Admin panel of your Marketo instance.
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Issue You may experience this error when we create campaigns in SFDC using Marketo Campaign sync through a program.     Solution The error that we are receiving indicates that the User Profile that Marketo uses to log into Salesforce doesn't have permissions inside of SFDC to create campaigns. To test this, log into Salesforce using the Marketo sync credentials and try to create an SFDC campaign.  If you are unable to do so, then Marketo cannot create campaigns via the sync.  You would need to work with your SFDC Admin to grant the Marketo sync user permission to create campaigns in SFDC. If still there is an error, please contact the Salesforce support team, since this error is coming from Salesforce.  
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Issue When you go to schedule a Smart Campaign, the Status tab says it is "set to affect about N/A people" instead of showing the actual number of leads that should go through the campaign. Solution There are two probable causes for this There is an error in the Smart List. If the Smart List references another nested Smart List, the error may be in the secondary Smart List, so you may need to drill down when you check this. The Smart Campaign has a Smart List in it with the same name. For example, if the Smart Campaign were named "EMEA Networking" but it also contained a Smart List named "EMEA Networking", it would cause the list processor to give this error. Making one of the names slightly different - "EMEA Networking Smart List" - should resolve this issue. If you have tried both options and are still unable to get the affected leads count to resolve, please contact Marketo Support with the results of the above troubleshooting and we will investigate further.
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  Marketo Champions are customers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the Marketo Community, are experts in Marketo products, are avid contributors in the social world, and are loyal advocates of the Marketo brand. Benefits and perks our Champions receive include:   Access: Meetings with our product and marketing teams to give exclusive feedback Previews: Given early previews to products, features, and releases when available Publicity: Exclusive speaking opportunities at our annual Marketo Summit and other events Networking: Special networking events with Marketo executives and fellow Champions and semi-annual conference calls Ownership: Ownership of content and exclusive activities at our annual Marketo Summit that showcase your expertise and thought leadership Credibility: Special Champion badge on Marketo Community profiles, and profiled on Marketo's corporate website Sweet Swag: Champion-exclusive swag To find out more information and apply, click here. To view a complete list of current Champions, click here. Join the Marketo Elite Today!  
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Technically, you cannot move records backwards in a progression status.  The only so called “backward” status that you can change the record to is a progression status of “Not In Program”; however, doing this removes them from the membership of the program.  If you do this procedure, this will allow you to re-add them with a different status.   We mentioned technically this cannot be done but logically, there is another method that allows you to juggle the record’s progression status but in a more lateral movement with what appears to be in a “backward” state.  This is all dependent on how you have your channel steps configured.  To access your channel steps, please do the following:   Choose Admin Choose Tags Click the + next to Channel Locate the channel you wish to configure and highlight it Click the drop-down menu towards the top of Tag Actions, and select Edit   You should now see a pop-up window that allows you to configure the status steps for that channel like the following example:   This is a article attached image     If you configure statuses that have the same step number, this will allow you to move the record in a lateral movement which, in a sense, is somewhat like a backward progression but it really isn't.  With the example screen capture, I can do a change in progression status of “Invited” to “Attended Show” and vice-versa because the step is with an identical number. If I wanted to change in progression status of “Invited” to “Engaged” and back, it will not work because the step value is not identical. You can reference more information about this in the Create a Program Channel article.
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