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Issue Issue Description Get the error 'Cannot get email content- Customer does not belong to any POD' when the URL from the 'view as webpage' link is forwarded for review     Solution Issue Resolution This is expected behavior as of the 2019Q1 release. After clicking on the view as webpage link, the mkt_tok value will be removed. Attempts at sharing the URL after this point will fail. The mkt_tok value should not be shared. It uniquely identifies the recipient.  This is a security enhancement.  The preferred method is to use Send Sample to send the email to teammates, or forward the email.
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Issue You would like to customize Forward to a Friend emails to add personalized content. Solution You can in fact customize the look and feel of the Forward to Friend form using a combo of Velocity and JavaScript. This article describes how:  
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Issue A landing page is taking a significant time to load. Solution The load time of a landing page is generally due to resources that have a large file size or due to third-party scripts. This can be identified by using tools like that breaks down the loading time of individual resources and scripts within a landing page. Another way to inspect the loading time of resources and scripts within a landing page is using the network feature of the developer tools in Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or any other web browser:    
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Issue: My landing page is showing the wrong title, why is this and how do I fix it?   Solution: When you clone a landing page, the title of the old page carries over to the new one. In order to update the page title please see Edit Landing Page Title and Metadata for detailed instructions.
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Issue Issue Description Getting 'Communication Failure' error popup repeatedly when doing normal operations within the application.   Solution Issue Resolution:   - Disable all browser extensions especially any dealing with ad blockers as they seem to be the primary cause of this issue ("Ghostery" is an example of extension known for blocking multiple Marketo operations/ tasks). - Try to repeat same operations after you have cleaned cache and cookies - (If above option does not work) Try to repeat same operations while using a incognito browser window.  
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Issue Issue Description Google is changing production of their robots.txt parser to an open source format and removing support for some widely used but unsupported  code:   In the interest of maintaining a healthy ecosystem and preparing for potential future open source releases, we're retiring all code that handles unsupported and unpublished rules (such as noindex) on September 1, 2019. For those of you who relied on the noindex indexing directive in the robots.txt file, which controls crawling, there are a number of alternative options:   -Link to Blog Post from Google:     Solution Issue Resolution This should not affect any Marketo Landing pages if the Noindex, NoFollow code has been put in the Robots meta tags as per the documentation: This will only affect your landing pages if NoIndex, NoFollow are in the robots.txt file and not in the header meta tags.
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Issue Can multiple Marketo forms be used on the same page? Solution Due to the way Marketo forms are embedded on pages, you cannot have two Marketo forms on a single page (landing page or external). Having multiple forms on a single page can prevent the forms from submitting properly.
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Issue You are unable to archive or delete an asset in Marketo. When you try to do so, you get an error: "The following assets are in use or used by other assets."     Solution To archive or delete the asset, you will need to determine where it is being used. Click the Used By tab for the asset you are trying to delete and see what other assets reference it in some way. For instance, aSmart Campaign may be using it in the Smart List or the Flow Steps, or a report might have it in the Smart List. Once you find where your asset is being used, you can go and remove references to it from the other assets. This should allow you to delete or archive it.
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Issue The "View In Browser" link gives an error "Customer does not belong to any POD" when clicked in the Email Preview.     Solution When you Preview an Email you are viewing the layout of the email, but system tokens will not function. When you send a Sample Email, you can test everything as if you are the customer including the system tokens {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} .
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Issue Clicking a tracked link in an email either leads to a 404 page or the fallback page. Environment Tracked links Tokens Specific Characters: "#", "$", unbalanced brackets "{" or "}" Solution Do not use the following characters "#", "$", unbalanced brackets "{" or "}" in a link that is tracked when using a token as well. For example:{{lead.ebook}}# This will not work and will either direct to a 404 page or redirect to fallback page. When hovering over the link you will see that it is not a normal tokenized link, it will contain something along the lines of: $mktEncrypt.encrypt($mkturl2)/<random characters> Root Cause When using tokens in the url of a tracked link, the email is processed and the tokens are substituted and populated with the correct information. The engine that assembles this information have some characters reserved for use such as #.
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Issue Issue Description My Tokens not appearing in an email as an option to insert.   Solution Issue Resolution It is highly likely that the email is not in the program or campaign folder containing the My Tokens. Examples:  The email could be located in Design Studio The email is within a program but the token is not defined in the program it is in, or the campaign folder it is in In all cases, the email must be within the program or campaign folder that contains the My Tokens.
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Issue Issue Description When validating the HTML of a template, you receive an error of 'Error: Nested Editable Element: ...' with the id of the element following causing you to not be able to approve the template.   Solution Issue Resolution This is due to having an element with a 'mkto...' class nested inside another element with a 'mkto...' class. Below is an example:    <div class="mktEditable">      <div class="mktEditable"></div> </div>   You will need to remove the 'mkto...' class reference from one of the elements to be able to pass validation and approve the draft as in the corrected example below:    <div class="mktEditable">      <div class="newClassName"></div> </div>  
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Issue LinkedIn leads generated through LinkedIn Lead Gen form does not populate Inferred State/City/Country values. Solution Use field mapping between Marketo and LinkedIn to make sure inferred State/City/Country fields are mapped to respective LinkedIn fields so that they are captured in Marketo. Root Cause The inferred State/City/Country is populated via the person tokens and that information is normally captured when a lead fills out a Marketo form. If instead, the form used is a LinkedIn form, then that information is not passed over to the Marketo lead fields. Environment Marketing Activities LinkedIn Lead Gen
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Issue After the switch to a secured domain (from http -> https), landing pages display both a broken format and mixed content warnings. Solution Make sure all links referenced in your Landing Page Templates and Landing Pages are secured, in other words served with the https:// appended in the front and not http:// Step 1: Open up Landing page with non secure warning sign Step 2: On Google Chrome right click on the page that is displaying the warning and select "Inspect." On Mozilla Firefox it's called "Inspect Element." Look for any "Mixed Content" warnings. Step 3: Find and address the links that are referenced in the error messages **If the link that is unsecure is a custom CSS file, these files will need to be moved and hosted in a secure location so that the links are loaded over https.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Secure Domains for Landing Pages Service
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Issue Is it possible to add snippet to a template (email or landing page)?   Solution Snippets can't be added to directly to the templates. You would need to add them into the specific landing pages or emails created from the templates.
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Issue Form in Design Studio will not convert the time format upon language selection. English form with date format dd/mm/yyyy This is a article attached image Below is a form using settings with form language selecting German. The date format remains the same "dd/mm/yyyy" when the expected value should be "tt/mm/jjjj" as per language date format This is a article attached image Environment Marketo forms and common web browsers such as Chrome, Opera, Firefox. Root Cause This behaviour is related to the browser language settings. It automatically translates the date in the format of the selected language in the browser. Example of the same form with different browser language selected, the date format is changed by the browser  This is a article attached image This is a article attached image
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  Issue User Receives Communication Failure Error / bandaid when creating a new Email from a custom Template due to unapproved snippet. Resolution Email templates can contain code to reference a snippet by ID: <div class="mktoSnippet" id="FooterText" mktoName="Footer Text" mktoDefaultSnippetId="3"></div> If the snippet is not approved then a new email asset cannot be created, and instead a bandaid error occurs.   The snippet should be approved first before the template is used.    If the ID of the snippet in the HTML is 3 and the pod sj27, the URL to the asset would be Login | Marketo  
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Issue The format of the landing page is distorted in comparison to the version displayed in the landing page preview.  Environment SSL Certificates Landing Page Domain Landing Page format is different from preview Landing Page contain unsecure content Landing page template has http instead of https   Solution Ensure all the links used in HTML code used in the landing page template is referencing "HTTPS" and not "HTTP". You can follow the steps outlined in the document below on how to edit landing page template.  Link: **NOTE: If the landing pages is approved, a draft version of the landing page is created for any landing pages which is using the landing page template. You can mass approve those landing pages via following steps outlined in the document below. Link: Root Cause Once you secure your Marketo landing pages to be served over "HTTPS", you should have not links referencing "HTTP" (unsecured) assets or pages. 
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Issue You have two SFDC picklist fields mapped to one Marketo field but it isn't showing all picklist values for both SFDC fields. Solution When two SFDC picklist fields are mapped to one field in Marketo, the only values that will show in Marketo will be the values that exist in both picklists.  Review the picklist values in Salesforce and add any missing values to the picklists so that they match exactly. This could happen in situations where the field in Marketo is mapped to a SFDC picklist field on leads as well as a SFDC field on contact/account.
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Issue You have a CNAME for your Branded Tracking Links in email but want to restore the settings to the system default (example:     Solution Once you have set up a Branded Tracking Link domain, it is not possible to restore it to the Marketo default.  You can change it to a different CNAME domain, but it is not possible to revert to the original.
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