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Issue Issue Description You are unable to check any emails to select in the Email Filter section in the Setup tab of your report ( when Global Reporting is enabled (   Solution Issue Resolution When using the Global Reporting feature in a report, you can only view a report for all emails across workspaces. You cannot filter the report to include only certain emails.  
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Issue Naming conventions of email in email performance report Solution Email reports will use an email's full label including the program it exists in. Although asset names cannot duplicate within Programs, they can be duplicated within the whole Instance and Email Performance Reports have access to emails from an entire instance. For example if you had two newsletter programs, both with an email named "October Newsletter" the full program name can help differentiate between the two. NL-2018-10-Technology Program.October Newsletter NL-2018-10-Industry Program.October Newsletter The email report will always display with the full email name including the program it was created in to avoid this confusion. Even within a specific Program Report, you can access all emails within the Instance.
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Issue A newly created Program is not showing up in Program Cost Analysis Report.     Solution The Program Cost Analysis Report takes a little time to show new Programs that have just been created. It doesn't do much good to show a success metric before a program has had a chance to succeed so it needs time in order for data to be collected.   If you don't see the program in the report within 48 hours, check these things: If there is a view filter in place The program is active and approved   If all that looks good contact Support for additional troubleshooting.
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Issue You are considering archiving or deleting old programs, and you are wondering how that will affect reporting on membership of leads.     Solution If you delete a Marketo Program, the membership data will be lost. Technically, in the Lead record Activity Log, there will not be an activity for "no longer in program," but any and all reporting will not be able to report from deleted programs.  Keep in mind that Marketo Support cannot restore deleted programs. Archiving Programs keeps program membership data. This means that Analytics reporting, including Revenue Explorer, will be able to see archived programs and the related data. However, smart lists will no longer be able to reference the archived program. For example, say the smart list was: "Member of Program, program is [name]". In this situation, the smart list wouldn't be able to locate the program.    
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Issue You sent an email using a Smart Campaign and the email performance report for the email shows more Sent than there are members in the Smart Campaign     Solution The email may have been sent by more than one campaign.  You can determine this by looking at the "Used By" info on the email's summary page, to see which campaigns sent the email.  In this case, you can use the Campaign Email Performance Report to view the email's performance within the specific campaign.
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Issue Can Email Insights Quickcharts be shared across users within Email Insights?     Solution At this time Email Insights saved Quickcharts are user-specific and cannot be shared or viewed by other users. You can share the quick chart with anyone by downloading the chart as a PowerPoint or Excel file. Who This Solution Applies To Email Insights Users
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Issue Even though the report and Smart List may be looking at exactly the same thing (e.g. an email sent to a specific group on a specific day), many times the numbers in the report do not match the results of the Smart List.     Solution Reports in Marketo like the Email Performance Report are returning results of activities that occurred in your instance, while Smart Lists return results of currently existing person records.  When a person is deleted or merged, the activities associated with the person do not get pruned or purged. So a Smart List that looks for opened email will return all the currently existing records who have that open activity but will not return results of deleted or merged records.  Conversely, a report looking at the same thing will return all activities, even if the records no longer exist.    
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Issue How to pull out the stats on which devices emails are being opened on.     Solution In a Smart List, you can use the filter "Opened Email" and you have the constraints of "Is Mobile", "Device", "Platform", and "Browser" to choose from. You can build a Smart List for each device you are interested in reporting on.
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Issue Is it possible to add Lead Partition/Workspace information in a custom Revenue Explorer reporting?     Solution RCE does not have the ability to segment reports by Lead Partition or Workspace. One possible workaround for leads is to create a custom field on a lead's record and populate it with the partition name.  There is no such option, however, for assets in different workspaces.  
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Issue How to select specific campaign or program emails for your Email Link Performance report. Solution Email Link Performance report can customized according to specific campaign or a program. In the report Setup tab, you can change the selected emails to the entire campaign folder, or even select individual emails.  
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Issue You are utilizing Forms on Marketo Landing Pages, and want to run reporting on these forms.     Solution Currently Marketo has reporting for Email assets and Landing Pages. We do not have the ability to report on Forms specifically. One option would be to use Web Page reporting  -  this reported information would be limited to Marketo Pages with numbers of records who filled out the form, listed under "conversions." You could then create a Smart List to identify leads who have filled out these forms.        
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Issue The Results tab of a Smart Campaign with a filter for 'Send Email' is has more entries than the Send Email count on the Email Performance Report. Solution Page through the results as some Send Email activities will be 'Skipped Lead/Person already used up Daily/Weekly communication limit.' Also, if some of the leads were sent the same email previously, outside the time frame of the report, they will not be included because they report only looks at the first time any given email was sent to a lead.  Subsequent sends of the same email will not be included in the report.        
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Issue In the Landing Page Performance reports, what do the Conversion and New Name columns refer to? Solution Conversions and Conversion % in the Landing Page Performance report reflect the number of times someone filled out a form. This conversion rate counts one per form fill-out. New Names are leads that were converted by that landing page and who were previously either anonymous or did not exist in your lead database before filling out the form on a give landing page.
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Issue In the report subscription, there is a link to the person in Marketo. Likewise, is it possible to add SFDC links for contacts/leads to report subscriptions? Solution Currently, there is no option to include the link to the person in CRM in the report subscriptions.    
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Issue How do Revenue Cycle Explorer filters operate? Solution RCE Filters operate in the following ways: Select from a List (Includes, Excludes) -- This filter type within RCE will let you include or exclude preset values Match a specific string (Contains, Does not Contain) -- This filter type will let you enter a free form value such as Contains "We" to find statuses which may have Web in them. The not-contains would filter anyone who did not have "We" in the status. On either filter you can select Multiple Values. Within the Match a Specific String function click on [+] and add another value option and this will then add additional string areas to use. A example would be Status contains: Reg Regis Registered Registered - Web etc.. As you can see you can match to one of many values!  
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Issue When you try to save a report in Revenue Explorer you experience  the following error: "Unable to save your file. Please try again or contact your system administrator for assistance."     Solution In order to save a file in Revenue Explorer you need to to save it in either "My Dashboard" or "My Report". RCE will not allow you to save files in the top-level folders.
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Issue The activity log is not recording the Open Email activity for an email send. Solution Issue Resolution Email opens are linked to an individual asset. If a record is sent the same email more than once, only the first open activity will be recorded. If you are not seeing opens record for a record, search the activity history to confirm whether or not the asset has been opened previously.  Also, Text-Only emails lack the tracking pixel used to determine whether an email is opened, so Text-Only emails will never show opens in the activity log.  In Email Performance Reports, Opens will be backfilled by the report's internal logic if the customer clicks a link in the Text-Only email.  Otherwise, opens will not be recorded.    
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Issue You see that a lead has an unusually high amount of Clicked Link activity for a particular email after delivery.     Solution There can be a couple reasons for this.  If you see that all links in the email are being clicked immediately upon delivery, it is likely that the lead's email security software is link-testing to guard against phishing or malicious links.  However, if you see an unusually large number of link clicks over the course of a day or two, it may be that the lead forwarded the email to other people who clicked on the links.  Since the tracking links are specific to the lead who was sent the original email, if the email is forwarded to other people, their clicks will be recorded under the initial lead's activity history. Marketo does not have a way to confirm this is the case, but if you open the Click Link activities in the leads Activity Log and look at the details, you may see the User Agent (which indicates the operating system and client software used to display the email) is different for each click.  If you see a variety of different user agents in the details, it is likely the email is being opened and clicked by different people who were forwarded the email.
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Issue You would like to pull a report of all the non-marketable records that you have in Marketo. Solution You can do this via a Smart List: Use the Any filter in the Smart List. Filters: Block Listed = true Unsubscribed = true Marketing Suspended = true Email Invalid = true Email Address is empty This Smart List will pull all the people that fall into the blocked leads list. You can also add a view in which you can add above mentioned columns to the smart list which will give a view if a record is block listed /unsubscribed etc.  Reference Doc :- Create and Change Views for Lists and Smart List    
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Issue When using Email Insights or other email tracking in Marketo, the device metrics do not always show the proper device that was used to open the email. Marketo tracks opens of emails through a single pixel on the email that when images are loaded it tracks it as an opened email. However your stats don't always show the proper information or client.     Solution Due to the way the pixel is tracked it pulls Email Client version data much in the same way as a web browser obtains what browser visited. The "User Agent" as it is called is a widely adopted standard that email clients use to ID themselves. These strings/ID's are determined by the developer of the Email client. Some email clients have the same string for different operating systems (Gmail for Example). Due to the user agent string, some situations may not always give accurate stats on the device or provider. Inaccurate data is less common with most major email apps and programs. The accuracy of data on some mobile platforms can be harder to differentiate due to the limited user agent data provided by the Email Application program.
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