Update Field with "Last Email Clicked"


Update Field with "Last Email Clicked"

I'd like to create a field called "Last Email Clicked" so that I can track which content is driving leads to conversion.  In this campaign, I'd like to capture what was the last clicked email before being Synced to Sales. (We don't have SalesForce).
Level 2
And if it wasn't clear, my question is how would I make that field automatically update with the title of the last email they clicked on.  I'm thinking a Token somehow, but can't figure it out.
Not applicable
I use the tokens described in the help article Tokens for Interesting Moments to add this information to interesting moments, but I'n not sure if they would update a field value.  Your smart campaign would need to use the Clicks Link in Email with "Email is" and "Link is" triggers anyway, so if the token doesn't work, you can hard code a Change Data Value with the name of the appropriate email.
Not applicable
Use the trigger, Clicks link in Email.  Then in the flowstep add to a custom field, Change Data Vale > "Last email clicked" = {{trigger.name}}


That will produce events like that. I additionally have a 2nd field, which then combines the 1st field to the historical data so I can see all of the emails a lead has clicked in. 

If you have questions about how I do that I can post a little how-to.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it