I want to eliminate the step of checking the object fields to be used, which is specified in the right pane of the editor for creating mail script tokens.


I want to eliminate the step of checking the object fields to be used, which is specified in the right pane of the editor for creating mail script tokens.

If I code a script to reference an object fields, I still need to "check the right pane", but I don't want to have to synchronize the "coding" with the "checkbox in the right pane".
What is the purpose of synchronizing "coding" and "checkboxes in the right pane"?


We believe that having two settings has the detrimental effect of causing a divergence between the two settings, which in turn leads to unintended behavior.
I don't think checkboxes are necessary because the fields to be referenced are coded in the first place.
We would like to see this changed so that it works only by coding.