Allow Web Page as an Additional Constraint on "Person is Created" Trigger

Allow Web Page as an Additional Constraint on "Person is Created" Trigger

I can currently trigger a smart campaign when somebody "Fills Out Form" and use as a constraint the form name and the web page where that form was hosted.  However, though I can choose Form for a Person is Created Trigger, I can't specify the Page where the form was hosted, which means I can't reuse a basic form and trigger off of it depending on where it lives.

Ideally, since this is supported for the "Fills Out Form" trigger, this would be available whenever Form is a constraint.
Level 4
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but you can use the Visited Web Page constraint in the flow

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My understanding of that Visited Web Page constraint will cause that to test true if they have ever visited that page.

I want something to filter/constrain at the time of trigger.  Here's a screenshot that shows the two triggers.  Not that, for Fills Out Form, I can get even more expicit as to what page the form lived on at the time, where for the Person Is Created trigger, while I can select the Form, I can't also specify the page hosting the form:

Does that make sense?

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Hey John. Can't you use the filter "Filled out Form"  instead of the trigger "Fills out Form" ? Lead is created (trigger) and Filled out Form on webpage X (filter) = Flow steps.  
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Thanks for the comment, Adam.  I think the challenge is that I only want to go through the flow if this is truly the first time we have seen this person, reusing a form, but having very different flow actions occur based on where that form is hosted.  It's possible that the person has filled out the form from a different page before and therefore isn't being created...  that's what I'm reaching for -- person is created based on a particular form-completion hosted on a particular page.

I'm suggesting a change to the "Person Created" trigger, not the "Filled Out Form" trigger.  (I just want the criteria available on the Filled Out Form trigger to exist in the Person Created trigger)  Filters might work, but it's less explicit and I would prefer to not trigger the flow at all if that page criteria isn't met.

Hope that makes sense and appreciate the comment.
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Using the "Lead is Created"  trigger will only fire the first time a lead is created. So if they fill out a form before, they've already been created, so can't qualify for any additional "Lead is Created" campaigns. 

I think you're asking for functionality which is available via the use of a filter + trigger. I know that you'd prefer it all in one trigger, but you can do what you want now in the way that I suggested.

Lead is Created + (Filter) Filled out Form, webpage = X ---> Flow Steps for X
Lead is Created + (Filter) Filled out Form, Webpage = Y ---> Flow Steps for Y

Only the campaign which the lead has filled out the form (on page X) on will fire, the other won't be qualified. If that lead then goes on to fill out the same form on page Y, it won't fire because the Lead has already been created. It isn't created a 2nd time just because the lead filled out the form again.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Already have it