Ability to use Tags with Unsubscribe Categories

Ability to use Tags with Unsubscribe Categories

I'm working on setting up my unsubscribe page right now, and thought it would be really helpful if we could use the Tags feature in conjunction with the unsubscribe options.

What I’m envisioning is if I set up a tag that allows us to choose a category (such as newsletter, events, new products, etc), then I could create an operational smart campaign that will block emails from being sent to people who have unsubscribed from that category for all emails within a program tagged with that category.

So, for example, if someone selects that they do not want to receive Newsletter emails, I could build a campaign that says a person will not receive an email within a program with the Newsletter Tag.

That way, we don’t have to try to remember to include the opt-out criteria for each email that is set up.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

I'd recommend going through articles related to subscription management. It is far safer for you to use the Opt In flags (whatever they are) than to rely on program tags. there are specific rules around how to record opt in/out and you can build a group of smart lists to handle preferences, such as:

Smart List 1: Newsletter Subscribers
Newsletter = True

all you have to recall is to use the correct smart lists or keep a list handy. You should not have to rebuild this every time.
Level 3
Thanks Josh,

I appreciate your suggestions, however if I use a smart list, I still have to add a rule to every smart campaign either opting in or opting out people on that smart list.

I am trying to eliminate that step of trying to remember to add that to every smart campaign and instead have it happen automatically based on how we tagged the program.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas