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Introduction    As a Flow Step, the Compute Formula service takes an Excel-style formula, computes it, and returns the resulting value to the selected field.  This facilitates many different types of data transformations and use cases, including date math, text replacement, and composite scoring, among many others.  You can find the repository on Adobe Github.     Prerequisites    To deploy and use the Compute Formula Flow Step Service you will need:  Experience using a command line.  Have git installed and have basic experience in its usage.  Install NodeJS, Node Package Manager (NPM), and the Adobe IO command line tool.  Have an Adobe IO Runtime Account, and permissions to retrieve credentials for Runtime workspaces.  A Marketo Account with Admin Credentials.  An Adobe IO Runtime account.  IO Runtime is currently available as an add-on to subscribers of AEP, AEM, Commerce, or Analytics    Support    While the Self-Service Flow Steps framework is fully supported, Compute Flow is an open-source application built on the framework using Adobe IO Runtime.  Issues specific to the Compute Flow application should be logged on the github repository or on      Deployment    Clone the Repository    In a command line, navigate to the folder where you want to clone the code from the Git Repository for AIO Compute Formula.  From there use the following command to clone to repo:    git clone    Obtain IO Runtime Credentials    Make a new project in the Adobe Developer Console, selecting the “Project from Template” option:      Select the App Builder Template and save your project:      Select a workspace, either Production or Stage, that you want to deploy the application to and use the Download All option to download the credentials to the folder where you cloned the repository in the previous step:      Once you’ve downloaded the file locally, from your command line use the following command to use the downloaded credentials for your application deployment:    aio app use <file location>    Render Manifest from Template    Now you’ll need to use the render-manifest script to create a manifest yaml file including your desired API key (this is the API key which you will use later in the installation phase) and log level (info, warn, error, or debug).  Use the following command to render your manifest:  npm run render-manifest <path:'./manifest.yml'> <apiKey> <logLevel>        Install NPM Packages    Now you will need to locally install the dependencies for this project using the following command in your command line:  npm install  Deploy Application and Obtain Service URL    To deploy your application, use the following command:  aio app deploy  Once finished the command line will list out the endpoint URLs of the application.  Copy the URL ending in ‘serviceSwagger’ for use in the next step.      Install and Configure Service    In Marketo, navigate to the Admin->Service Providers menu and use the Add New Service button.  In the dialog box, enter the URL you copied from the previous section:      Then follow the instructions for entering your API key:      In the Incoming Fields section, select the fields which you want the service to be able to write data back to:       You can always come back to change the field mappings later if you are not sure about what fields you want to be eligible for writes at this time.  Follow the rest of the installation guide and then your service will be ready to use in Smart Campaigns  Usage    Flow Step Fields    Formula    The Formula field accepts Excel-style formulas, and supports all of the functions that are supported by FormulaJS.  Lookup and other column-related functions are not available.  Your formula should not include a leading = sign as you would when entering the formula in a cell of a spreadsheet application.  While standalone mathematical statements are supported to some extent, complicated cases should be implemented as Excel functions, as some standard mathematical operators, like ^, have behaviors distinct from the mathematical operation that they represent outside of a JavaScript context.  Strings embedded into the formula field, including tokens for string-like fields, e.g. dates, should be surrounded by quotation marks for functions to behave as they are expected to.  Return String    When returning a value to a string or string-like field, such as a Date or a Datetime, you should select the field you wish to return in the Return String field.  Each field configured as an inbound field for your service will be listed in this field*.  Return Number    When returning a value to a number-type field, like Integer, or Float, you should select the field you wish to return in the Return Number field.  Each field configured as an inbound field for your service will be listed in this field*.    *If the picklist of either Return String or Return Number is empty, or does not include choices which were recently added, you should refresh your picklist choices, either via the refresh button on the flow step card or from the Admin->Service Providers menu.  Example Use Cases    Composite Scoring    A common scoring use case is to create a weighted composite score from two or more other scores.  The Compute Formula Flow Step makes this simple to do.  For this example, you will use two source scores, Behavior Score and Demographic Score, and return the value to a field called Composite Score.  To build our formula, you need to decide how to weight the source scores.  Our hypothetical marketing organization values Behavior scores at 30% and Demographic scores at 100%.  Our formula would then look something like this*:    SUM(PRODUCT({{lead.Behavior Score}}, 0.3), {{lead.Demographic Score}})    *When using numbers between -1 and 1 which have a decimal place, you will need to include a leading Zero (0) when embedding the number into your formula, e.g. 0.8.    If a person record has a Behavior Score of 3 and a Demographic Score of 20, then the resulting composite score would be 20.9.  Scores in Marketo Engage are integers, however, so you should be sure to return a round number.  Use the ROUND() function to make the output an integer.  Now our Formula will look like this:    ROUND(SUM(PRODUCT({{lead.Behavior Score}}, 0.3), {{lead.Demographic Score}}))    Now that you’ve defined your formula, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve configured the fields which you want to write back to, in this case “Composite Score.”  Go to Admin->Service Providers, drill down into the service, and edit the Incoming Fields section to enable the Composite Score field.  Composite Score is a custom field for this example, so if you do not have this field in your instance, you’ll need to create a new one, or use a different score field.      Now let’s put this into practice.  Since this is a composite score, in order for the score to be kept up to date, you need to listen for changes to the source scores to update the composite score when they change.  That means you need a triggered Smart Campaign with Data Value Changes Triggers for both Behavior Score and Demographic Score.        Insert the flow step, populate your formula, and select your desired field to return to using the Return Number field.      Now when you activate this campaign and a person’s Behavior Score changes, then your campaign will activate and return the result to your selected field.              Date Differential/Time in Stage    To measure the efficiency of marketing and sales funnels it is common to measure the amount of time that a person spends in a Marketing Stage.  In particular, the number of days a lead spends in the Marketing Qualified or Sales Qualified stages before the lead is acted upon is a significant indicator of how well aligned the marketing and sales processes are functioning.  While this information is easy to synthesize with a business intelligence application, bringing that same data into Marketo and acting upon it has required complicated API integrations to populate back to person records in Marketo.  With Compute Formula, the process is as simple as defining a formula and your return field.  The DAYS() function counts the number of days between and end date and a beginning date.    DAYS(“{{lead.SQL Date}}”, “{{lead.MQL Date}}”)            Round Robin Lead Assignment    While Marketo provides Random Sample functionality to obtain a percentage-based sample of an audience, some Sales Owner assignment use cases benefit from more fine-grained control over lead assignment.  One example of this is to take the modulus (remainder) of a lead id, using the number of potential owners that you can assign leads to.  Suppose you have 55 potential lead owners, and you want to get an approximately even distribution of leads assigned to a given owner.  One of doing this is to assign each of your owners a number from 1 to 55, and then to take the modulus of the integer lead id.  Our formula would then look like this, where the Number is the lead ID, and the Divisor is the number of potential owners:    MOD({{}}, 55)    Given an id of 117, the resulting value would be 7.  Our campaign flow would have a Compute Formula step with our formula, and Return Number set to a Sales Owner Seed field, followed by a Change Owner step configured with choices corresponding to each sales owner.               
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Hello Nation!   Based on the feedback from you, we have released a couple of interesting updates to the Filtering email bot activity. If you haven't had a chance to look at updates from the last release, here is the link:   In the latest release, the focus was on improving the sophistication in capturing activities by bots. We are launching a new method to identify bot activities "Match with Proximity pattern". So, now we have a total of 2 methods that will be used to filter every email open or email link click activity.   The 2 methods are: Match with IAB bot list: Activities that match with the list UA/IPs from IAB will be marked as bots Proximity pattern: When 2 or more activities happen at the same time i.e under 0 seconds, they are identified as bots too. This pattern should identify activities generated by the link scanners. In the future this method will be enhanced to consider clicks coming from hidden links as an additional data point   So, if you enable the email filtering feature on your subscription, every email open or email click activity will go through the bot identification filtering i.e through the 2 methods in the order mentioned above.    Note: You will have the option to filter out i.e not log activities that are identified by the IAB list but not for proximity pattern in this current release.   If you wish to have all activities, whether they are by a bot or not, then choose the "log activity" option. This way, all activities will still go through identifications using the above-mentioned methods but will be logged into your Marketo subscription. Any email open or click activity matches with any of the 2 methods, it will be labeled as bot activities using the 2 new attributes we introduced in the last release. So, Activities that are identified as bots will have "Bot Activity" as "True" and Bot Activity Pattern as "Match with IAB list"  or "Match with proximity pattern" Activities that are identified as not bots will have "Bot Activity" as "False" and Bot Activity Pattern as "N/A" Activities that happened before we introduced these attributes will have "Bot Activity" as " " (empty) and Bot Activity Pattern as " " (empty) As you might already know, you can use these attributes as constrains in filters and triggers   To know the impact or to know what type of bots spamming your email engagement, we have added the ability to view the number of bot activities that are identified against each pattern to the admin page   Continuing on the feedback themes:   Themes Description Status More Transparency The current version identifies the bot and doesn't log activities identified as bots. Almost every customer and community expressed they would like to log the activities and do their own analysis Released (Added option to opt for logging and flag activities that are identified as bots) More Robust filtering The current version completely relies on the IAB list and we need to introduce more sophisticated filtering to identify bot activities Released (Added a new methods to identify if an activity is by a bot or not)  More Control We find a few user-agents/IPs that are creating bot activities and would like to include them in the bot activity filtering criteria Gathering requirements (If you have any feedback on this please share it in the comments) Reporting (new feedback item) In the Email performance report, we want an option to filter out bot activities so that we can see the metrics with and without bot activities  Gathering requirements (If you have any feedback on this please share it in the comments)  
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In January 2021, we released the Submit Form API endpoint to give Marketo Engage integrators the ability to submit to Marketo Forms through a supported and authenticated REST endpoint. Thanks to customer feedback we were able to identify a lack of parity for critical functionality such as correct handling of duplicate records and support for Program Member Custom Fields. These issues blocked some integrators from successfully onboarding onto the Submit Form API endpoint.   In our August release, we have enhanced the Submit Form endpoint to handle duplicate records the same way as Marketo forms. When there are duplicate records that match an email address submitted to the form, the endpoint will update the record with the most recent Last Modified Date.   In our October 22, 2021 release, we plan to release support for Program Member Custom Fields for the Submit Form REST API endpoint. We understand that integrators will need time to update and test these new changes before they can fully onboard onto the Submit Form endpoint. To allow additional time for migration, we are delaying blocking programmatic POSTs to the /save2 endpoint to our January 21, 2022 release. This will be the final extension.   Programmatic submissions to our form endpoints remain unsupported despite this delay. Please work to update integrations submitting via this method to one that is supported: Marketo Engage forms on Landing Pages or using the embed code, our Forms2.js API, or the Submit Form API endpoint.   Previous announcement:
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One of the biggest gains to productivity you can employ with Executable Campaigns is the ability to pass the token context of the parent campaign to child campaigns.  This allows you to template your campaigns to use contextual data from the parent and then put it into practice within reusable executable campaigns.  It also allows you to set up My Token values as defaults, and then override them by setting them in the calling campaign.  Let’s take a look at an example: Evaluating activity scores   Evaluate Activity Score   Most Marketo subscriptions use activity or behavioral scoring to some extent, and executable campaigns make it easier than ever to create an effective activity scoring model.  By using the same My Token keys in the parent and child campaigns we can craft an activity scoring campaign that can be used by any triggered activity in a single workspace.  This is what a basic templated scoring flow looks like.  The interesting moment is configured to stamp that activity log with the parent campaign name and ID for debugging purposes, and should be omitted for performance reasons in production.   Note how the Change Score step has a Change value of {{My.Activity Score}}.  This is defined as +0 in the Evaluate Activity Score program, so if executed with overriding the token context, or if the value is not defined in a calling campaign, then that will be the value used:   Calling the Campaign   Suppose you want to score when someone fills out a particular form, but you also want to apply a score when they are created by filling out that same form.  In this case you would need two campaigns, each with their own parent program.  Our New Lead campaign needs to listen to the “Person is Created” activity, needs to execute the Evaluate Activity Score campaign, and needs {{My.Activity Score}} to be defined:       Configured this way, our New Lead campaign will call the child campaign with the parent campaign’s context and increment the score by +15 and then move on to the rest of the flow. For our campaign that’s listening for a form fill, but not creation, we only need to configure the trigger and My Tokens differently:     When a lead qualifies for a run through our Evaluate Activity Score campaign, we see that the Person Score is correctly incremented by +15 when it goes through our campaign:   Working with this pattern   This pattern can be applied and modified to work with many different scoring and lead lifecycles.  There are a few things to keep in mind, though: If you are nesting executable campaigns, I.e., using the Execute Campaign step within an executable campaign, you need to set Use Parent Token Context to true through each layer where you need to use token context in the child campaign.  Using folder-based My Token inheritance can help ensure a value is set in all of your relevant folders.  For example, if all of your scoring listener programs and campaigns live in a single folder tree, you can set a {{My.Activity Score}} at the top level folder, which can then be overridden at the local program level. My Tokens that you want to override in an executable campaign should be set in both the child and the calling campaign, as well as any campaigns between the initial caller and the ultimate child. As designed, each campaign that wants to call the Evaluate Activity Score campaign, needs to be in its own program (or Campaign Folder) in order to have its own specific {{My.Activity Score}} token.  More than one score per program needs either multiple “Change Score” steps in your evaluator campaign, each with a distinct score token, e.g. {{My.New Lead Score}} = +15 vs. {{My.Form Fill Score}} = +5 vs {{My.Unsubscribe Score}} = -10, or a distinct campaign for each score-activity pair that you want to score distinctly Pair this with the suggested categorization model for Executable Campaigns for best results.
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In this video you'll learn engagement program set up best practices from Adobe Marketo Engage Champion Andy Caron.    This is a quick tip from our On-Demand Webinar: The Nitty Gritty of Next Level Nurtures. 
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Apple recently announced new features in their upcoming iOS and macOS releases which are designed to protect data from third parties. A broad set of FAQs on the potential impact can be found on Adobe Experience League. We have provided an additional set of Marketo Engage-specific FAQs below. Since the new features have not yet been released by Apple, much of the information below is speculative. We plan to post updates as we learn more, so please stay tuned.  UPDATE: iOS 15 is now generally available on both iPhone and iPad.  We have conducted tests using iPhones running iOS 15 with Mail Privacy Protection enabled.  Please see updates to this FAQ below (in red).    Will this impact email open-tracking in Marketo Engage?  Highly likely. Early reports suggest that the open-tracking pixel contained in Marketo emails may be obscured and downloaded as a background process, irrespective of how you interact with the email. It is possible that an email open could occur without opening the email, which could artificially inflate the number of email opens. Also, the timing of when an email open activity is generated could be impacted since it may be decoupled from the actual open.  UPDATE: Yes, we confirmed that unopened emails can trigger an email open activity.   Test Methodology We used a batch campaign to send a test email to 5 testers with Mail Privacy Protection enabled on their iPhones.  We instructed each tester to not open the email and then waited 1 week before checking results.  Create a static list of test leads Create a batch campaign to send an email to members of static list Run campaign once Wait for 7 days and inspect campaign results   Observations After the 7 day wait, we found that 3 of the 5 unopened emails had open email activities logged in Marketo.  These activities were “machine-generated” due to a background load of the open-tracking pixel that occurs when Mail Privacy Protection is enabled.  For the 3 machine-generated opens, we found that 1 occurred within minutes of delivery, and the other 2 occurred several hours after delivery.    We then had testers go ahead and open the delivered emails.  For the 2 emails that did not machine-generate an open,  we found 2 email open activities were logged as usual.  For 3 emails that did machine-generate opens, no additional open activities were observed as expected.  This is because Marketo only ever records a single email open activity for any given campaign/mailing/lead combination.   We ran same test with Mail Privacy Protection disabled and did not observe any machine-generated opens.   To summarize: When Mail Privacy Protection is enabled, some delivered emails will have machine-generated opens, and the timing of when machine-opens occur is unpredictable. When Mail Privacy Protection is disabled, no machine-generated opens occur. Will this impact email link click tracking in Marketo Engage?  It is unlikely that tracked links will be impacted.  UPDATE: No, we confirmed that click email activities are logged as expected.  No change here.   Which product areas within Marketo Engage might be affected?  While there is no immediate impact right now, here is a quick look at the potential areas of impact within Marketo Engage.   Assuming that email opens may not be accurately trackable in the native Mail app, and that a user’s IP address will be altered by the native Email app and the Safari browser, we have identified the following areas of potential impact.  Activities It is hard to predict what the impact will be on the “Open Email” activity. For example, if the open-tracking pixel request is generated even though the email is not actually opened, then email opens could be overcounted. Also, the time of the open-tracking pixel request could differ from the time of the actual email open. Finally, there are activities that contain a “Client IP Address” attribute which may not be as accurate as before (Visit Web Page, Fill Out Form, Click Link, Unsubscribe Email).  UPDATE: There is no way to identify which open email activities are machine-generated, and which are not.  Machine-generated opens will likely increase the overall number of opens, but by how much is hard to know.   The User Agent on iOS15 has changed to simply “Mozilla/5.0”.  Since some activities contain metadata that is derived from User Agent, some of this metadata has changed (Platform, Device, User Agent, Is Mobile Device).   Open Email Activity - Before iOS15 Open Email Activity - After iOS15   This could impact your smart lists should they leverage these attributes as constraints.   Here is an idea that could help provide insight into iOS15 adoption.    First, build a smart list that looks for leads that have opened email using an earlier version of iOS. Since at the time of writing, iOS15 is only available on iPhone/iPad, we limit results to those devices only. Click on the People tab and record the number of list members (in lower righthand corner). Next, add another filter to smart list for leads that have opened email using iOS15. Since at the time of writing, iOS15 user agent is "Mozilla/5.0", we limit results to that browser only.  This provides the list of leads that have opened email using a prior version of iOS and using iOS15 in past 30 days.  Click on the People tab again and record the number of list members. You can then compare the two results and gain insight into iOS15 adoption.     Here are some of our test results over the past 30, 60, and 90 days. Date of Activity (in Past) 30 Days 60 Days 90 Days Device iPhone/iPad 23,723 38,901 52,964 Device iPhone/iPad & Browser Mozilla/5.0 1,160 2,621 3,444 iOS 15 Adoption Rate 4.9% 6.7% 6.5%   From this list, you can inspect the lead activity history and identify when a lead switched over to iOS15. Your mileage may vary!   Reporting Email opens can be inferred through email link clicks without the open-tracking pixel being activated, but reporting may be impacted. The “Opened”, “% Opened”, and “Clicked to Opened Ratio” columns in Email Performance Report columns may contain less accurate data. Also, any open-related measures or fields in Revenue Cycle Analytics Email Analysis Report may contain less accurate data.   UPDATE: There is no way to identify which open email activities are machine-generated, and which are not.  Machine-generated opens will likely increase the overall number of opens, but by how much is hard to know.   A/B Testing If you use Opens as Winner Criteria, then test results may be impacted since this criteria relies on accurate email open tracking.  UPDATE: See Reporting (above).   Web Personalization The “Location” and “Industry” firmographic Web Segments may not match as they had before. This is because the segment attributes are derived by doing a lookup using the client IP address.  UPDATE: See Inferred Fields (below).   Inferred Fields Since client IP address may not be as accurate, Inferred Fields may be impacted. Send In Recipient Time Zone can use inferred fields to calculate time zone (as a fallback when known location fields are not populated). Lead to Account Matching can also use inferred company name field in matching logic. UPDATE: The client IP address behavior on iOS15 has changed.  To allow users to hide their IP addresses from websites and network service providers, requests now go through an Apple proxy server. The proxy server assigns an IP address from a pool of users grouped by their approximate location.  As a result, the location information stored in Marketo inferred fields will be less precise.  Best practices for using inferred data can be found here.   As a Marketo Engage user, what can I do now to prepare for this change?  Review your usage of product areas described above and assess potential impact. Reduce dependency on email open rates. Look for activities from the click onward to measure engagement. Think about how you measure success of your email campaigns and how email opens fit into your overall methodology. Gather device and OS data to understand potential impact. This can be done using either Email Insights or Smart Lists as described here.  UPDATE: Reduce dependency on email open rates.   As a Marketo Engage user, what should I be thinking about in the future?  Email opens are not the most important indicator for measuring success of your email campaigns. Email is the vehicle by which you drive your customers to a landing page to convert via filling out a form or other action. Web page visits, link clicks, and form fills are the high value activities that you should concentrate on.    Geographic and firmographic data based on client IP address lookup is not entirely accurate since many IP addresses return data for the Internet Service Provider instead of the actual user. In some cases, an IP address lookup will return no data at all. An alternative could be to use a third-party data enrichment service.    Privacy changes are transforming email as we know it. Changes to proxies, location data, and blocked email opens present new challenges to email measurement. Here are Deliverability resources that may prove useful to address those challenges:  Optimizing Marketo Engage Email Deliverability  Email Deliverability 101: 4 Tips to Inbox Success 
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Deprecation of Email V1 began almost two years ago and beginning with the March maintenance release to London & Netherlands subscriptions on March 17th, 2021 and all other subscriptions on March 19th, 2021, all API support for V1 emails will be ended.  After this release, any attempts to interact with V1 emails via the Asset APIs will result in errors and no actions taken.  All known remaining users since February 24th, 2021 have been notified, but it is possible that there are still integrations which may attempt to interact with these assets.  The most common types of affected integrations are services which offer digital asset management, translation, and localization.    If you do observe integration failures as a result of this change, you will still be able to upgrade problematic assets by editing and approving them.  Once an email asset is upgraded to V2, you should be able to resume using it with integrated services. 
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Support for Formula fields in batch campaigns was deprecated in 2013 and a notification was added to the product documentation here: Formula Fields. Currently, if a user attempts to schedule a batch campaign with an email that contains a formula field token WITHOUT spaces in the field name, the UI will show an error message saying this is not supported. However, due to an anomaly in the UI, if a user attempts to schedule a batch campaign with an email with a formula field token WITH spaces in the field name, the batch campaign will run. This UI issue was addressed in the January 2021 release of the product.   After March 19, 2021, these unsupported Formula Field tokens WITH spaces will no longer render correctly. Consequently, the tokens, and not the expected replacement strings, will appear in the final email. The deprecation is necessary to place all clients on a new, faster campaign processing platform.  To avoid further issues we recommend migrating the Formula Field tokens to Email Script Tokens immediately. Please refer to the following article which discusses how to use this option:   If you have further questions about this issue, and/or best practices on migrating to Email Script Tokens, please contact Technical Support.  We want to ensure you have all the information you need to address the issue.   Kind Regards, The team at Adobe
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What’s changing?  Beginning in January 2021, we will be rolling out two email tracking-related security improvements over the course of several months.  In Q3 of 2020, a new version of the Outlook Plugin will be available that also contains a security improvement.  This document serves to provide a high-level overview of the changes that are coming.  We will follow up with additional information as those dates draw near.    Background: Email Link Tracking  By default, links in emails have tracking embedded which allows you to see who clicked which link, how many total links were clicked, etc.  Link tracking is configured via the Insert/Edit Link dialog box from within the email editor.   Predictive Image Tracking  When using Content AI, you can configure email images to be predictive.  Predictive images have an URL and are configured via the “Make Predictive” menu item within the email editor. Alternatively, you can select “Enable Content API” menu item within the email editor. Changes:  Tracking Link Length  When link tracking or predictive image is enabled, the original URL specified is converted into a “tracking link” that points to a Marketo tracking server.  The format of a tracking link looks something like this:  After this change, the identifier at the end of the URL will be slightly longer.  Tracking Parameter Expiration  When a tracked link or predictive image is clicked from within an email, the Marketo tracking server logs a “Click Email” or “Click Predictive Content” activity and then redirects user to the original URL specified.  The tracking server appends the “mkt_tok” query parameter which is used in conjunction with Munchkin JS to associate the Munchkin cookie with the known lead that clicked on the email link, and with the campaign that sent the email.  After this change, mkt_tok will expire 6 months after the email was sent.  As a result, if a lead clicks on a link in an email that is older than 6 months, the webpage visit activity will be anonymous, and campaign association will not occur.  This is the same behavior as when tracking is disabled.  Outlook Plugin  With these changes a new upgrade of the Outlook plugin will be released. The new plugin will no longer support offline mode, and users will be required to have an active connection to the internet when sending emails. Users who do not have an active connection will see the following message when clicking the Marketo Send and Track button:     Why is this change being made?  The tracking parameter expiration and tracking link change are additional steps in providing a more consistent and more secure experience with Marketo’s forms.  This change is a continuation of the work done last year when we released Form Pre-Fill Feature Upgrade.  The Outlook Plugin update was made to standardize on using common email tracking-related functionality across our products.    What customer action is required?  Aside from the Outlook Plugin upgrade, no additional action is required.  The new plugin will be available as part of the Q3 2020 release so customers can upgrade. As part of the Q4 2020 release users will receive a message in Outlook asking them to upgrade before continuing to use the plugin.     How does this impact customers?  Tracking Links and Predictive Images  If a tracked email link or a predictive image is clicked by an anonymous lead in an email that is over 6 months old, the known lead will not be associated with user’s Munchkin cookie.  This is the same behavior when tracking is disabled.  Form Pre-Fill  If a tracked email link or a predictive image is clicked in an email that is over 6 months old, and the click sends user to a landing page containing a form with pre-fill enabled, the form will not pre-fill.  This is the same behavior as when tracking is disabled.  Outlook Plugin  All users must update the Outlook Plugin by Q1 2021. 
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What’s changing?  On October 16, 2020, Marketo will deploy new versions of line, bar, column and pie charts throughout the Marketo Engage Application.  This includes all reporting features, as well as data visualizations that appear in the Marketing Activities screen.    How will this change impact customers?  Customer impact will be minimal.  The content of the new visualizations will be identical to that of the previous ones, with some improvements to axis labels and legend positioning to maximize use of the plot area.    Why is this change being made?  The previous visualizations were implemented using Adobe Flash, which will reach its official end-of-life on December 31st, 2020, and as a result the charts needed to be rebuilt using a different charting library.    What customer action is required?  No customer action is required.  The new visualizations will automatically appear in the Marketo application following Marketo’s product release on October 16, 2020. 
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Forms serve as a valuable point of entry to your Marketo Engage database for your prospective and existing customers to express interest in your business. They also serve as a portal for malicious actors to flood your database with junk data, hoping to trigger emails to use in phishing attacks, to overwhelm your business services, or to DDoS our platform. We are rolling out enhancements to strengthen the security of Marketo Engage forms to address this growing problem in the industry.   These features are releasing throughout Q3 2020 and will be available to all Secured Domains for Landing Pages customers. No changes to your forms or landing pages are needed to take advantage of these enhancements.   EDIT: We have delayed the rollout of our form field validation to Q1 2021 to ensure a high level of quality.   Bot Spam Blocking We have identified bot patterns common among most spam attacks on Marketo Engage forms. These patterns were identified by examining form data captured in bot attacks for values that were impossible to have been submitted by a human submitter. This new feature will introduce server-side validation on standard Marketo Engage form fields that will reject submissions of illegitimate values that match these bot patterns.   Sever-side form field validation Today, Marketo Engage forms enforce field data rules with client-side Javascript validation that is easily circumvented by bots or users that disable scripting in their browsers. To address this, we are enhancing forms with server-side validation of form field rules. These include: • Validation of field type. For example, checkbox form fields must be submitted with boolean values; numerical form fields cannot contain alphabetical characters, etc. • Presence of required fields • Values in Select type fields must match the configured list of values • Configured max length of field value is not exceeded • Numerical values fall within the configured minimum and maximum values Submissions to Marketo Engage forms that fail validation will return an error with the offending field highlighted with an error message.    Frequently Asked Questions:   Can my business define its own custom logic for rejecting form submissions based on submitted field values? Unfortunately, not at this time.   Should my business continue to use CAPTCHA, honeypots, or Javascript validation on our forms? We anticipate these enhancements will reduce the need for solutions such as CAPTCHA or honeypots, but they can still serve as an additional layer of security against bots for your forms. Custom Javascript validation will continue to give your business granular control over form field validation on your landing pages and web pages.   Will you block specific IP addresses we commonly see associated with spam? IP addresses on the internet are often dynamic and are recycled by ISPs to be used by multiple devices. Blocking an IP address could result in legitimate visitors unable to fill out your forms. It is also trivial for an attacker to switch to a different IP address or use a distributed network of IP addresses to spam your forms, which makes IP address blocking an ineffective long-term strategy.
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  Beginning on 2020-05-07, Marketo will start to roll out version 159 of the Munchkin JavaScript Client.  Subscriptions which have the Munchkin Beta flag enabled will see changes from this release first, after which deployment will begin on a rolling basis to subscriptions which do not have this flag enabled.  The most significant change in this release is the deprecation of Munchkin Associate Lead.      Changes    Deprecation of Associate Lead      Beginning with this release, when the Associate Lead method is invoked, a warning will be issued to the browser console, indicating that the method will be removed in a future release.  For more details on what to expect from this deprecation process read this announcement.    Reversion of Domain Selector V2      Despite best efforts to offer an improved the selection of the domain for the munchkin cookie, the change proved disruptive in certain cases.  We will be reverting the mainlining of this change, and the functionality will be hidden behind a configuration flag as it was prior to version 158.    Fixing Undefined Referrer when Calling Visits Web Page      Previously when calling the Munchkin API to submit a Visits Web Page event, the referrer would be submitted with a value of ‘undefined’.  With version 159, the referrer will now be correctly recorded.  This bug did not affect normal web visit tracking.      Rollout    As with all Munchkin releases, this version will be a phased rollout, initiallity to customers who have enabled Munchkin Beta for their subscriptions, and later for all Marketo subscriptions.  This schedule is subject to change.  Customers who need early access to these features in their subscriptions should consider enabling Munchkin Beta.  Date  Release Type  Percentage  2020-05-07  Beta  10%  2020-05-21  Beta  50%  2020-06-05  Beta  100%  2020-06-19  General Availability  10%  2020-07-10  General Availability  50%  2020-08-04  General Availability  100%   
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LinkedIn updated their permissions model on April 1. Marketo already supports the new permissions, so if you have not already done so, all you need to do is re-authorize your LinkedIn LaunchPoints to update your authentication token to ensure continued syncing. If you have both LinkedIn Matched Audiences and LinkedIn Lead Gen, you will need to re-authorize both LaunchPoints.   LinkedIn Matched Audiences LaunchPoint To update the permissions for the LinkedIn Matched Audiences LaunchPoint, a Marketo admin with access to your LinkedIn Business Account(s) will need to go to LaunchPoint in Marketo Admin. Select the LinkedIn Matched Audiences LaunchPoint and click "Edit Service" at the top.     Once in the Edit Service modal, click "Next". This will show you the user that authorized the integration and the date the LaunchPoint will expire.   Click on "Re-Authorize", which will open up a new window with a prompt to log into LinkedIn. You do not require the same user who originally set up the LaunchPoint.   Once you've signed in, the window will close and your LaunchPoint will now have an updated expiration date shown in the modal. Make sure to click "Save" to save the updated permissions.   And now your Matched Audiences LaunchPoint has updated permissions!   LinkedIn Lead Gen LaunchPoint To update the permissions for the LinkedIn Lead Gen LaunchPoint, a Marketo admin with access to your LinkedIn Business Account(s) and either admin or Lead Gen Form Manager permissions on your Company Page will need to go to LaunchPoint in Marketo Admin. Select the LinkedIn Matched Audiences LaunchPoint and click "Edit Service" at the top.   Once in the Edit Service Modal, click "Next". This will show you the user that authorized the integration and its expiration date. Click on the gray "Re-Authorize" button. This will open a new window with a prompt to log into LinkedIn.   Once you've logged in, the window will close and your LaunchPoint modal will show a new expiration date. Click "Next".   You will then see your list of LinkedIn Accounts. You do not need to update this screen. Click "Next" again. The final screen will be your field mappings. You do not need to update any field mappings to update permissions. Click "Save" to save updated permissions.   And now your LinkedIn Lead Gen LaunchPoint has updated permissions!  
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I wanted to share a step-by-step on our solution to track multiple landing pages with a Person Attribute Field while using one generic form, without relying on URL UTM parameter. I hope this will be helpful to anyone looking for a solution. This solution was pieced together through some research from different sources and some trial and error. Feel free to share your thoughts or comments on it! Let's begin. [Problem] We have multiple landing pages linked to different campaigns and different assets to download. We wanted to use one generic form for all of those landing pages, and capture a Person Attribute Field to track the campaign, we didn't want long UTM parameters following our URLs or multiple forms so we built it into the page instead. [Solution] Populate a Hidden Field on your form through HTML code embedded into your Landing Page to capture campaign information. An alternate solution which doesn't use Person Attribute fields –  you can also use the "Add Constraint" option on the Fills Out Form trigger to select any form and the web pages you want to capture for the campaign, as shown below. If that's all you need, this simple solution would suffice. Step 1: Setting your Generic Form Field In your generic form, add a new Field and select the Person Attribute you're going to use to track the landing page. For our form, I used the "utm_campaign" Person Attribute because we're already tracking through that field. You can choose to use any Person Attribute that is appropriate for your Marketo instance to track campaigns. The Label doesn't matter, set Field Type to "Hidden", and set Form Pre-fill to "Disabled". Edit the Autofill, set Default Value as "utm tracking missing" (or anything similar of your choice, we'll get into why later) and Get Value from as "Use Default Value". If you don't set a default value Marketo defaults to "null" which will block changes to that field for this form. Once you're happy with your other fields, save your form. Step 2: Populating the Hidden Tracking Field through your Guided Landing Page HTML In your Design Studio, find the Landing Page Template you're using for your Landing Pages, and edit it. Note this step is only for Marketo Guided Landing Pages*. In your head section, place the following Marketo String with your meta tags (more information on Marketo Strings here). This will allow you to easily adjust the landing page campaign later as you create more pages. Find where your Marketo form div is located, and insert the script code following the mktoForm div as shown below. This script will change your hidden "utm_campaign" field to the value indicated on your landing page. "utmcampaign"** is your Person Attribute Field name, and ${hiddencampaign} points to the Marketo String you set up. Save your Landing Page Template and you are done with this step. *Note: You can also do this step with embedded forms on non-Marketo pages using the code for setting Hidden Fields on this page. Note that you'll skip setting the Marketo String Syntax and input your desired Person Attribute value directly into the script as Marketo Syntaxes cannot be used on non-Marketo pages. **Note: You'll notice that the HTML form.vals "utmcampaign" is different from the displayed Person Attribute "utm_campaign" in your form editor and Marketo record. Sometimes the actual SOAP API value used by the backend is different from the Friendly Display value in Marketo, I will include steps on how to check the SOAP API value in the appendix at the end of this tutorial. Step 3: Create your Landing Page Once your HTML is set in your Landing Page Template, create or edit your Landing Page using that template. Set your generic form from earlier, and in your right-hand elements bar you should see a section for Variables, where you'll see the "Hidden Campaign Field" you created using the mktoString meta tag. Type in the campaign name you want to track with there. I chose "Example Campaign" for the purpose of this tutorial. Once you're happy with the rest of your landing page go ahead and save it. Your landing page form will now populate the "utm_campaign" Person Attribute for the Person with "Example Campaign" once the form is submitted. Step 4: Set your Trigger Capture Campaign Now that all the client facing elements are ready, you can create your Trigger Smart Campaign to capture and update the Person record. In your Marketo Program, create a new Smart Campaign. I've named mine "Campaign Capture" for my own organization, but you can name it whatever you want. Description is up to you, or just leave it blank. Once it's created, go to the Campaign's Smart List and add the Trigger Filter "Fills Out Form", and indicate one or more forms that feed into this campaign. Now add a Filter for "utm_campaign" and set the value to the "Hidden Campaign Field" you indicated on your landing page, in this case "Example Campaign". Insert any other Filters you want to exclude or include People that come through the program, and make sure to adjust your Smart List Rule Logic accordingly. Once you're happy with it, move onto the Flow step and set your form fill success actions. For this tutorial, we've opted to "Change Program Status" to Responded and "Send Email" confirming form success. Now "Activate" your Trigger Smart Campaign and you're ready to go! Step 5: Error Reporting No process is without errors, so now we'll set up a simple error reporting Trigger Smart Campaign to notify you when your campaign capture process fails at the form step. You'll recall that in the form, we set the Default Value for our "utm_campaign" as "utm tracking missing". This is so that in the event the HTML code in your Landing Page fails to populate the field with a value, the form sets this as the "utm_campaign" Person Attribute. To catch this error and notify myself, I set up a new Default Program with our "Operational" channel settings and named it "Tracking Error Notification". Inside it I created Smart Campaign and and an Alert Email (information on creating Alert Emails using the specific Alert Token). In the Smart Campaign Smart List, insert a Trigger Filter for "Data Value Changes", Add Constraint "New Value" set it as the default error value, in this case "utm tracking missing" Now all that's left is to create a Flow Step to "Send Alert" (information on how here). Now you'll receive an email alert anytime the utm_campaign field fails to populate through the Landing Page form. *EDIT: A commenter recommended that the error message be cleared so that multiple exceptions can be flagged, which would be a great step. To do so, add a "Change Data Value" flow step for the Person Attribute, in this case "utm_campaign" and set the new value to "NULL", which will clear the "utm_campaign" field after the alert is sent. You're done! Now for all future Landing Pages with this generic Form, just remember to populate the "Hidden Campaign Field". I hope you've found this tutorial helpful. Cheers, Lawrence Mien Marketing Operations TigerText The Very Short Appendix So you've set your hidden Person Attribute field and indicated it in your HTML code, but the Person Attribute is still not populating correctly through the form. The issue may be that the Friendly Display Person Attribute field name is different from the SOAP API Person Attribute field for HTML. If you don't have Marketo Admin access, or don't feel like exporting the full field list, here's how you can check it: Publish or preview your Landing Page and go to it in your browser. Right-click at the bottom of the form (on Chrome) and hit Inspect. This will pull up the righthand side development panel to show you the HTML. Find the where the Marketo Form HTML is located and expand the mktoFormRow where the hidden field is. In the highlighted section below, you'll see that the SOAP API name of the Person Attribute is "utmcampaign" and not "utm_campaign". Simply drop this correct SOAP API Person Attribute name into your code back in Step 2.
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Basic Nurturing Advanced Nurturing Measuring ROI Calculating the ROI of Nurturing Understanding the Engagement Dashboard Basic Reporting - (Login Required) Measuring ROI Understanding Engagement Scores Engagement Stream Performance Reports Defining Nurture How to Create a Nurturing Strategy Working with Engagement Programs (Login Required) Add Streams to Your Program Optimizing Nurture How to Test and Optimize Nurturing Engagement Engine, Scoring, and Data Management - (Login Required) Segmenting for Nurture Basic Nurturing Segmentations Segmenting for Nurture Advanced Nurture Segmentations Transition Leads Between Engagement Streams Engaging with Content How to Create Content on a Budget Content Marketing Tactical Plan Worksheet Add Content to a Nurture Stream Nurturing Across Channels Your Multi-Channel Nurturing Strategy
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Over the last few years all these translations have been gathered together by my colleagues. One of them had kindly gathered them into this beautiful display and I thought it was worth sharing with you all. CTAs English Simplified Chinese (CN-S) Traditional Chinese (CN-T) Portuguese (PT) Japanese (JA) Spanish (ES) Korean (KO) German (DE) View Now 现在就查看 現在就查看 Veja agora 今すぐ見る Vea ahora 지금 보기 Read More 阅读更多 閱讀更多 Leia mais さらに読む Lea más 더 읽기 Watch Video 观看视频 觀看視頻 Assista ao video 動画を観る Vea el video 비디오 보기 Learn More 了解更多 了解更多 Aprenda mais さらに学ぶ Aprenda más 더 알아보기 Read the brochure 查看资料手册 查看資料手冊 Leia o material 小冊子を読む Lea el folleto 브로슈어 읽기 Broschüre lesen Register today 今天就注册 今天就註冊 Inscreva-se agora 今すぐ登録する Regístrese hoy 오늘 등록하기 Explore more opportunities 发掘更多机会 發掘更多機會 Explore mais oportunidades 他の機会も探る Explore más oportunidades 더 많은 기회 알아보기 Read full report 查看完整报告 查看完整報告 Leia o relatório completo 完全レポートを読む Lea el informe completo 보고서 전문 보기 Read article 阅读全文 閱讀全文 Leia o artigo 記事を読む Lea el artículo 기사 보기 Read press release 阅读新闻稿 閱讀新聞稿 Leia o release de imprensa プレスリリースを読む Lea el comunicado de prensa 보도자료 보기 View tool 查看工具 查看工具 Veja a ferramenta ツールを見る Vea la herramienta 도구 보기 View quotes 查看报价 查看報價 Veja as cotações 相場を表示する Vea las cotizaciones 시세 보기 View contract specifications 查看合约规则 查看合約規則 Veja especificações de contrato 商品仕様を見る Vea las especificaciones de contrato 상품 명세 보기 Listen to podcast 收听广播 收聽廣播 Ouça o podcast ポッドキャストを聴く Oiga el podcast 팟캐스트 보기 View presentation 查看 查看 Assista à apresentação プレゼンテーションを見る Vea la presentación 프리젠테이션 보기 Get started 开始 開始 Aprenda 今すぐ始める Comience a aprender 시작하기 View offerings 查看产品及服务 查看產品及服務 Veja ofertas 商品とサービスを表示する Vea las ofertas 제안 보기** View schedule 查看日程安排 查看日程安排 Veja programação 予定を見る Vea el programa 스케줄 보기*** Read white paper 阅读报告 閱讀報告 Leia relatório oficial 白書を読む Lea el libro blanco 백서 읽기 Read fact card 阅读事实卡 閱讀事實卡 Leia o cartão de dados パンフレットを読む lea la tarjeta de datos 팸플릿 읽기**** Download PDF 下载PDF文档 下載PDF文檔 Baixe o PDF PDFをダウンロードする Descargar PDF PDF다운로드 PDF herunterladen Items found on Research Articles English Simplified Chinese (CN-S) Traditional Chinese (CN-T) Portuguese (PT) Japanese (JA) Spanish (ES) Korean (KO) German (DE) View this article in PDF format. 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This field is required. 该项是必填项 該項是必填項 Este campo é obrigatório. この項目は必須です。 Se requiere este campo. 이 항목은 필수항목입니다. Thank you. Your message has been received. Someone will contact you shortly 您好,您的信息已收到,我们的工作人员会尽快与您联系 您好,您的信息已收到,我們的工作人員會盡快與您聯繫 Obrigado. Sua mensagem foi recebida. Você será contatado em breve. ありがとうございました。メッセージを受信いたしました。こちらよりご返信いたします。 Gracias. Hemos recibido su mensaje. En breve, una persona se pondrá en contacto con usted. 감사합니다. 귀하의 메시지가 접수되었습니다. 곧 연락 드릴 예정입니다. 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[氏名]様ではない場合は、ここをクリックしてください。 Haga click aquí si éste no es usted 다른 사람이시면 여기를 클릭하십시오 Topic 主题 主題 Tópico トピック 주제 Select One 请选择一个 請選擇一項 Selecione um 一つ選択してください 하나를 선택하십시오 Register for future communications 注册日后接收通讯 登記日後收取通訊 Inscreva-se para contatos futuros 今後の通知を受け取るための登録 향후 커뮤니케이션을 위해 등록하십시오 Thank you for registering. ご登録いただき、ありがとうございます。
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I created this as I was studying for the Revenue Cycle Analytics exam. I tried so hard to understand Attributions in Marketo by watching a video about attribution in Marketo University, as well as reading the Product Docs. However, it took me so long until I am able to fill in data for the attribution tables. The Revenue Cycle Analytics Certification may be closed soon, but I do hope my note and explanation would be beneficial, and would complement Marketo's Product Docs in regards to understanding Attributions
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Marketo Users often create a Trigger Campaign to trigger "Clicks Link” or “Open Email” activities on AB Test Email Program. They are surprised that they cannot find the emails in question under the Smart List drop menu for the trigger (1). Or, they successfully selected the Emails without issue and activated the Trigger Campaign, but after all it is throwing errors (2). What happened? 1. When Emails are used under AB Test Email Program, their name is wrapped with the Program Name + Test Type Name. E.g.  TEST AB TESTING.Whole Emails Test (it will look different depending on Test Type you select. But, it will always start with the Program Name). Then, targeted Emails name can be located under Constraint Trigger “Test Variant” as shown below (Emails Name here are Email A/Email B & Test Type: Whole Emails):   Note that Link & Test Variant can be found under “Add Constraint”. Also, it is very important to approve the AB Test Program before you create the Trigger Campaign otherwise those data won’t be available there for you to use. 2. Errors can be the result of not activating the AB Test Email Program before doing so for the related Trigger Campaign. Because, if it is activated in the first place there is no way to find the Emails' Name under the Trigger Smart List. Meaning that after initiating the AB Test, the system can no longer retrieve the targeted Emails name. Consequently, you get an error under the Trigger Campaign Smart List and it won’t fire.          
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Email performance analytics sits at the heart of every digital marketer, you want to be aware of how the performance has been and need the ability to report on the same using various dimensions relative to your marketing. More often than not, all marketing automation systems have a performance issue when it comes to providing analytics quickly with the parameters that you would like. Marketo has also been lacking in this area for quite some time since RCA is sold as a separate product and that also had performance issue till last year or so, when the UI was changed but still performance is not up to the mark and Marketo analytics is not that powerful a feature to suffice the digital needs of today. As a resolution to the same, Marketo has introduced Email insights to provide lightning quick reporting on Email performance with a plethora of dimensions/parameters to filter your report. It works real fast and allows you to report on performance which not only includes batch campaigns but can also include trigger campaigns and operation emails (You can choose to exclude them as well). There are options of choosing performance relative to one/multiple workspaces, you can add parameters such as segmentations, channels and program tags and include them as dimensions and report on them. There’s an option to filter the report on Audience (country and state parameters), Content (email, program, smart campaigns, theme) and Platform (Device OS and Device type). You can generate charts to assess the performance during selected period based on Time (Day, Week and Month) and filter on various parameters. On the right hand side you can also select metrics such as opens, clicks and unsubscribes to check on the performance by parameters of audience, content and platform. You also have the ability to save these reports as quick charts for periodic performance review, you can save up to 20 quick charts. Although it’s a fresh new option for analytics there’s a lot of scope for improvement, for example. The ability to export data/reports/charts is not available so if you want to share the data with anyone outside Marketo you can’t, which is a huge disappointment. There’s no option to report on custom parameters such as conversions, program successes etc.  There are only 10 custom dimensions that can be added which makes the set up limited. The ability to report on custom lead filters using smart lists as available in Email performance reports is not there. There’s no email link performance analysis. Overall a fresh new interface and a much needed option for Email performance reporting but still has a lot of scope for improvement. Here’s the Summary: Pros: Lightning quick reporting capabilities. Dimensions and work-space options for reporting. New filter options such as Audience, Content and Device. Ability to create quick charts. Cons: Inability to export reports Only 10 custom dimensions No custom lead filters and custom parameters No Email link performance analysis Here’s an example of how to use Email insights for your reporting purposes, it includes the steps you need to follow to leverage the various capabilities available for reporting. Log into Marketo and click on the tab on the top left hand side to go to Email Insights: This is how Email Insights home screen looks like: It provides you a lot of options of choosing to report on, you can select the Workspaces on which you want to see the performance: In this example, I want to check the performance in Europe, so I’ll choose Europe as the work-space. You can select the dates for which you want to check the email performance: There’s an option of comparing periods as well. You can click on sends on the top left corner to check the various email sends during the period and choose from it the one that you are interested in: If the desired email communication doesn’t show up here, then it could be because it is an operational email, the general settings of Email insights excludes the operational and trigger campaigns, you can change the same in the personal settings: There are a lot of parameters on which Email insights allows you to filter, one of them is Audience. You can filter the audience from country/state and check the email performance for them, for example: If you want to report on email performance during the last month in California etc. You can also filter on specific content, which can be either email sends: Select the email send you want to check the performance. You can also filter on Smart campaigns and the same would reflect in the report: Similarly program filters are also available: A new and fresh addition would be the ability to report device and OS performance, although this option is available as a constraint in Marketo Analytics, this is much better and faster, as it provides you comparative performance views on devices, which is nor the case with Analytics: You can select the Operating systems as a filter as well: There are filters available on your left and right side and you can select either to modify the report/chart: Here’s an example of filtering using parameters on the left side: On your right hand side you have options of choosing filters as well, by default all filter options will show: You can click on Audience, content and device to filter on and analyze the performance further: You have an option of viewing the performance by time as well in the selected time frame, you can select from day, week and month and the report will be modified accordingly: You can also add custom dimensions to these reports which can be used as a filter. To do so, click on the settings option: You can go to System settings to add dimensions, you can add segmentation, channels as dimensions and report the performance on them. Program tags can also be added as a dimension, a maximum of 10 dimensions are allowed with Email insights: Once you are done creating your report/chart based on all the filters and parameters, you can save it as a quick chart for periodic performance review: Name the chart and save it: You can it on the quick charts option on the right hand side, a maximum of 20 charts can be saved: Hope this was informative and helps you in leveraging Email insights for your organization. Your feedback matters a lot to me so if you have any suggestions/comments/queries relative to this, please comment below.
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