outlook spam folder

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outlook spam folder

If an email makes it to a recpients spam folder how will that get recorded by Marketo.

I think marketo should put together a deliverabily infographic (best practice, terminology etc) - it would be useful for our team. 


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Re: outlook spam folder

As far as I know, if it goes into Junk and is never opened it shows up as delivered but unopened. The same is true if an email is completely blocked by the recipients server so there really is no way to tell if it's going into Junk verses not getting Delivered at all.
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Re: outlook spam folder

Hello David,

As one of Marketo's deliverability experts, I'd be open to putting together an infographic for you. Can you give me a little more about what you had in mind? Are you looking for something that could be printed up as a poster, or something smaller to share internally to help new users get up to speed quickly? Can you give me a short list of what topics you'd like to see it cover? Do you have any favorite infographics on other topics that you can link as an example of what you're looking for?


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Re: outlook spam folder

Are there best practices for deliverability? Having issues in Outlook and Gmail that we know of right now.