Re: When working with a webinar vendor - what do you prefer?

Level 7

When working with a webinar vendor - what do you prefer?

Hi all,

When working with a webinar vendor, what do you prefer?

1. Placing the recording video on the webinar platform

2. Placing the recording video on your thank you page (assuming you want to gate the content)

3. Placing the recording in a non-gated landing page

4. Directing the traffic to Youtube / another type of video platform


Ronen Wasserman

Ronen Wasserman
Tags (1)
Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: When working with a webinar vendor - what do you prefer?

We typically have our recording on a non gated landing page.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: When working with a webinar vendor - what do you prefer?

I prefer to put the webinar on a thank you page that is gated, since our webinars are not Stage 1 and have a lot of specific, valuable information. I don't like using the webinar platform because I prefer all forms to go through Marketo.

I think your #4 should be broken out into two options because directing to Youtube will lose you significant information like how long someone watched for but using a platform like Vidyard you can still capture that information.

Not applicable

Re: When working with a webinar vendor - what do you prefer?

Usually, I place the webinars on the thank you page gated on our website and we use the thank you page link for nurture programs.