What is the timezone for the field - "Created Date" of "New Lead" activity?

Level 2

What is the timezone for the field - "Created Date" of "New Lead" activity?

I have fetched the data for new Lead activity where the "Created Date"(in attributes) field has a date value.
Is the value specific to any timezone like "Activity Date"which is in UTC.

Example - 

1512589690952018-12-18T16:01:11Z12null899015Mark Josh{"Created Date":"2018-12-16","Form Name":"5204 - ABC Training XDC.Post ONLY Form - Access Onlis","Source Type":"Webinar form fillout"}
Level 2

Re: What is the timezone for the field - "Created Date" of "New Lead" activity?

Saptarshi Konar‌ - Marketo stamps the system dates and time as per the timezone which is set up in the admin.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: What is the timezone for the field - "Created Date" of "New Lead" activity?

Marketo stamps the system dates and time as per the timezone which is set up in the admin.

This isn't about system tokens. The timezone is the pod timezone, CST, not the end-user timezone.

Level 2

Re: What is the timezone for the field - "Created Date" of "New Lead" activity?

I don't think it is related to the  admin timezone.

If timezone is associated with it then we will have a time and timezone value associated with the "Created Date" data.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: What is the timezone for the field - "Created Date" of "New Lead" activity?

Is the value specific to any timezone like "Activity Date"which is in UTC.

It's in the pod-wide timezone, which is CST for all Marketo instances.

Of course as you have the full value, including the time, in UTC you should use that.

Level 2

Re: What is the timezone for the field - "Created Date" of "New Lead" activity?

Usually I get date like "2018-12-18T16:01:11Z"- which means it is in UTC but in this case I am getting data like "2018-12-16" - it seems like Marketo in not considering the time.

My application is in EST timezone, so should I save the data as it is or change the date time according to the timezone. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: What is the timezone for the field - "Created Date" of "New Lead" activity?

Like I said, US Central Time.