Re: Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

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Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

Hi All,

I would like to use velocity script to set content based upon score, for example > 1000 <2000 and >2000 < 3000 and > 3000 < 10000 etc.

I am familiar with the below script and would like to learn how to modify it to achieve the above.

#if (${lead.example} == "1")

Content Here


Thanks in advance

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

The easy way, but which can get kind of wordy if you have a lot of conditions:

#if( $lead.LeadScore.isEmpty() )

#set( $lead.LeadScore = "0" )


#set( $LeadScore = $convert.toInteger($lead.LeadScore) )

#if( $LeadScore >= 500 && $LeadScore < 600 )

is between 500 and 599 inclusive

#elseif( $LeadScore >= 600 && $LeadScore < 700)

is between 600 and 699 inclusive

#elseif( $LeadScore >= 700 && $LeadScore < 1000)

is between 700 and 999 inclusive


The more robust way, which is easier to maintain with lots of conditions. In this case I'm assigning another variable a friendly name like "low" or "high" which you can use to decide output:

#if( $lead.LeadScore.isEmpty() )

#set( $lead.LeadScore = "0" )


#set( $LeadScore = $convert.toInteger($lead.LeadScore) )

#set( $absmin = $$LeadScore.class).MIN_VALUE )

#set( $absmax = $$LeadScore.class).MAX_VALUE )

#set( $ScoreRanges = [

  { "name" : "negative", "minmax" : [$absmin,0] },

  { "name" : "x-low",    "minmax" : [0,500] },

  { "name" : "low",      "minmax" : [500,600] },

  { "name" : "med",      "minmax" : [600,700] },

  { "name" : "high",     "minmax" : [700,1000]},

  { "name" : "x-high",   "minmax" : [1000,$absmax] }


#foreach( $range in $ScoreRanges )

#if( $LeadScore >= $range.minmax[0] && $LeadScore < $range.minmax[1] )

#set( $LeadRange = $ )




Your named range is ${LeadRange}

View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

The easy way, but which can get kind of wordy if you have a lot of conditions:

#if( $lead.LeadScore.isEmpty() )

#set( $lead.LeadScore = "0" )


#set( $LeadScore = $convert.toInteger($lead.LeadScore) )

#if( $LeadScore >= 500 && $LeadScore < 600 )

is between 500 and 599 inclusive

#elseif( $LeadScore >= 600 && $LeadScore < 700)

is between 600 and 699 inclusive

#elseif( $LeadScore >= 700 && $LeadScore < 1000)

is between 700 and 999 inclusive


The more robust way, which is easier to maintain with lots of conditions. In this case I'm assigning another variable a friendly name like "low" or "high" which you can use to decide output:

#if( $lead.LeadScore.isEmpty() )

#set( $lead.LeadScore = "0" )


#set( $LeadScore = $convert.toInteger($lead.LeadScore) )

#set( $absmin = $$LeadScore.class).MIN_VALUE )

#set( $absmax = $$LeadScore.class).MAX_VALUE )

#set( $ScoreRanges = [

  { "name" : "negative", "minmax" : [$absmin,0] },

  { "name" : "x-low",    "minmax" : [0,500] },

  { "name" : "low",      "minmax" : [500,600] },

  { "name" : "med",      "minmax" : [600,700] },

  { "name" : "high",     "minmax" : [700,1000]},

  { "name" : "x-high",   "minmax" : [1000,$absmax] }


#foreach( $range in $ScoreRanges )

#if( $LeadScore >= $range.minmax[0] && $LeadScore < $range.minmax[1] )

#set( $LeadRange = $ )




Your named range is ${LeadRange}

Not applicable

Re: Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

Hi Sanford,

I am gettign the following error when approving the asset:

Validation Error approving 2018-02-15-Consultant Incentive Velocity.EM-01-Submission Required — 

An error occurred when procesing the email Rendered_Email_Velocity_Error_Area_?!

Invocation of method 'toInteger' in class threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException near


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

If the score is nullable, add this at the very top:

#if( $lead.monthlyPV.isEmpty() )

#set( $lead.monthlyPV = "0" )


Not applicable

Re: Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

Works a treat, so appreciated

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

I was just diving (for the nteenth time) into Velocity's rather strange null handling and discovered this shorter method to skip the pre-check:

#set( $LeadScore = $convert.toIntegers($lead.LeadScore)[0] )

(in place of $convert.toInteger)

It's a bit quirky and in a way shouldn't work (toIntegers is ostensibly toInteger over a collection) but good to know.

Not applicable

Re: Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

Thanks Sanford Whiteman very much appreciated. I will have a go at implemtation.

Level 10

Re: Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

Ah, I think I knew this one but was too slow Sanford Whiteman​!

I'm now starting to understand why your code is the way it is - Marketo's implementation of Velocity imports everything as a string, not as an integer as you'd expect. Strings all the way down, right?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Velocity Script to Set Content based upon a score range

Marketo's implementation of Velocity imports everything as a string, not as an integer as you'd expect. Strings all the way down, right?

Right, fields on leads/contacts will be serialized as a string, with sometimes cumbersome results. Calling toInteger to get a real Integer isn't the worst of it, the way you have to match Booleans ("1" or "") and Dates (all the timezone stuff I was always write) is more annoying.

Fields on custom objects can be native Integers and Doubles. Still no Booleans or Dates, though.