Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

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Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

Thanks for these points Grégoire Michel​ I will speak to engineering today and get them added into a roadmap.  If you have anything else let me know and I can add them as well. You can also email me if you'r prefer



Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

That's odd - we're using the save2 endpoint for collecting third-party form data and aren't using formVid (just formid).  All data comes over fine.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

Comes and goes (like that other thing we've been discussing).

Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

And BtW here is the solution:



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

That Embedded Data area is kind of strange -- if there's an effort to process the webhook response it should also cover the success object, not just the error object. Are you sure you need that?

Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

Hi Sanford,

"embedded data" is qualtrics terminology for custom fields... On the left are the field names and on the right the json names from which the field values will be extracted.

These variables are not mandatory but interesting in debug mode


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

So you're disregarding the success block, you mean?

Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

If you want to capture the success variables, you just need to add them:



Level 10

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

BTW, what usage can you make of the aliId ?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Using Qualtrics webservice to call a Marketo form and pass survey data

None in this case. It's all back-end so it has no relevance if you're not GETing a follow-up page.

The (perhaps far-fetched) use for the followUpUrl would be that you could use form logic to return different vars to Qualtrics.