Use of SchemaType in SOAP API 2.3

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Use of SchemaType in SOAP API 2.3

With reference to latest version 2.3 wsdl rolled out, we tried to generate stub/client classes using axis 2 as given below
<target name="declare">
        <taskdef name="codegen" classname="org.apache.axis2.tool.ant.AntCodegenTask" classpathref="axis2.classpath"/>
    <target name="generate.interfaces" depends="declare" description="Generates client interfaces using Axis2">
        <echo>Generating client interfaces using Apache Axis2</echo>
        <codegen wsdlfilename=".\2_3.xml" generateAllClasses="true" output="." packageName="com.marketo.www.mktows" databindingName="xmlbeans" serverSide="true" targetResourcesFolderLocation="."/>
                We tried to use LeadKeySelector/LastUpdateAtSelector etc. classes while setting selection criteria. but appears that we have been provided with interfaces of these type only.
                after more analysis , we found the Impl classes for the same but these need the org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType().
                   on contrary the jar available on the Marketo website contains LeadKeySelector class itself. please suggest How to use SchemaType with example.
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Re: Use of SchemaType in SOAP API 2.3

LastUpdatedAt has been deprecated. Please review the documentation available on the developers site: