Re: Unwanted Line Breaks

Not applicable

Unwanted Line Breaks

Has this happened to anyone else? The first issue is creates a minimal line across my newsletter email. The second issue create a large white block that is actually covering some of my content.

There are attachments that show the issue.

Not applicable

Re: Unwanted Line Breaks

Yep. The WYSIWYG editor is buggy in Marketo, but to be fair it's pretty buggy on any platform you use. I've been able to fix it a few ways:

1.) Go into the HTML section of the editor and manually search for the line breaks and delete them. This usually does the trick.


2.) If it doesn't do the trick (sometimes it doesn't), close your browser and reopen your browser. Head back to the email and try to edit the HTML again.

Not sure what happens or why it happens, but these two tricks usually work for me.