Re: Trying to Automate Form Field

Level 2

Trying to Automate Form Field

I'm in a quandary.

We're thinking of doing a form that has a date selector that continuously only shows the particular dates we want to offer demos. For example, every week on Wed and Thurs, so those dates are the only ones that are highlighted.

I found the date selector, but it doesn't allow me to edit it to show certain days.

Hope i'm explaining this clearly.

Please advise.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trying to Automate Form Field

Thanks for moving/fixing up the question.

Answers will be found in these past threads:

Level 2

Re: Trying to Automate Form Field

Thanks so much! Of course this is beyond my understanding. I'm going to enlist the help of our web designer.

If we have any other questions, I'll let you know.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trying to Automate Form Field

If you show her/him my demo on one of those threads it'll be pretty clear. Basically, just use the Text widget (not Date widget) on the form and then have the 3rd-party library decorate and hide the Text field (that's what they all do).  The posted value will still be a date-like string, so Marketo will push it into the field with no problem.

As for your schedule, you can store that in a text {{my.token}} and embed it in the page. (For example -- this will make sense to the dev -- store it as a JSON object and then output it into JS code in the page.)

Pls mark one of my answers as correct for future lurkers, thanks.

Level 2

Re: Trying to Automate Form Field

Hi. Your code was helpful. I have another question: Is there a way to bring information from a smart list number ex: number of entries for a specific date to display as a hidden field so we can modify our date picker to not show a specific date depending on those number of entries. (ex: 5 entries for a specific date would trigger the date picker to grey out that choice) Sanford Whiteman

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Trying to Automate Form Field

Wrong @, primary Sanford Whiteman​. (But you don't need to @ me anyway, I'm pretty much always listening!)

Is there a way to bring information from a smart list number ex: number of entries for a specific date to display as a hidden field so we can modify our date picker to not show a specific date depending on those number of entries.

It's not possible out-of-the-box because there's no such token. 

Using a webhook, you can update a {{my.token}} to maintain the # of registrants.  Then that {{my.token}} could be included.