Re: Tracking how long an embedded video was watched

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking how long an embedded video was watched

The code you posted is broken -- you must never use Click Link to record video interactions like this. It's utterly disruptive to other interactive content.

However i'm noticing that doing it that way makes it extremely hard to scalably track how long people are watching because it seems to only record the percentage if they click or pause the video.

You can set the Interesting Percent Position, which is logged separately only when they pass that %.  The code could be trivially extended to have multiple Interesting Percent markers.  Since you didn't provide an actual spec, all video tracking code makes its own assumptions.

Level 2

Re: Tracking how long an embedded video was watched

Sorry I wasn't super clear when I first asked! I want to be able to track the time or percentage of video watched, and then be able to run marketing campaigns off of that.To do that I would need to be able to get a target audience based on a min time/percentage that we set.  Also what do you mean by it is disruptive to other interactive content? Can you explain how the impact would be different then capturing viewing behavior as a website visit? If it is impactful then can i just change the munchkin function to be website visit?

The code is working exactly how I wanted ( see below lead record), I even added other links to my page to make sure this didn't mess with general link tracking, and it didn't. However obviously don't want to cause other issues! Do you have an example of Interesting Percent Position implementation? Do i just change it to be similar to the Milestone in the code above ( Line6)?



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Tracking how long an embedded video was watched

Also what do you mean by it is disruptive to other interactive content?

Click Link blocks the UI thread. You probably don't know what that means yet, and I don't have time to run down the technicals for you right now, but it's bad.

If you fix that code to use Visit Web Page you can use it as you see fit.

Level 2

Re: Tracking how long an embedded video was watched

Great, thanks.

I edited Href to= URL and click link to visit webpage and the code works perfectly. Thanks for all your help on this!