Smart List Logic

Level 2

Smart List Logic

I have a specific campaign for which I am trying to build a smart list. I want any person who has purchased 2 specific products, in no particular order, but who has purchased the second product within the last day, to receive an email. I can't quite figure out how to structure the logic. Attached is what I have, but I believe the way it is currently structured a person would only receive the email if they purchased BOTH products within the last day.

My only other idea is to put BOTH course names (MN 30-hour salesperson course 1; MN 30-hour salesperson course 2) in BOTH "has purchased product" filters, and add the constraint "in time frame: yesterday" in only ONE of the two filters. But I am not positive what the semicolon between course names would mean there.... Would that method do the trick? Any other ideas?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Smart List Logic

Please remove the attachment and paste it inline (in the editor) to continue. Not all Nation users can see attachments, which makes them very confusing!

Level 2

Re: Smart List Logic

Thank you, Sanford. New to these boards! Here is the attachment: pastedImage_1.png

In fact, since posting I might have found a solution. Does the below get me where I want to be?



Level 7

Re: Smart List Logic

Hi Jeremy,

Your solution should totally work to pull the audience you're after. 

The best way to be sure is to test - add these variables to your own lead record to check. Do some spot checking to make sure they meet the criteria and are matching what you're expecting to see.