Smart Campaign Help - Score 10+ Weekly Website Visits

Level 2

Smart Campaign Help - Score 10+ Weekly Website Visits

While this is a pretty standard scoring campaign, I don't think it is as accurate as it should be. I only want to score leads that have visited at least 10 different pages; I never care if a lead has visited one page 10 times (especially because there may be errors in web visit reporting caused by spam filters, firewalls, etc.).

So, how would one set this up? My original thought was to do a "visits web page" trigger on "is any" with 9 "visits web page" filters, but that clearly wouldn't work. Any thoughts on what logic to use to set this up?

Level 2

Re: Smart Campaign Help - Score 10+ Weekly Website Visits

I would build a nightly recurring batch campaign with a Visited Web Page filter and the following constraints:

Web Page: not contains unsubscribe, support, career

Date of Activity: in time frame this this week SS, this month, this year, etc.

Min. Number of Times: 9

Best of luck,


Level 8 - Champion

Re: Smart Campaign Help - Score 10+ Weekly Website Visits

Agree with this... batch campaigns are more effective in measuring time-based activity.  Given that you're looking to score based on weekly activity, you could run this smart campaign as a weekly batch during the weekend to ensure that you're not impacting your campaigns during the week.

I would slightly modify to measure:

Date of activity is Last 7 Days

Minimum number of times:  10

Run weekly at 10pm on Saturdays or daily during non-business hours.  Lead qualifies 1x per week. 

Level 2

Re: Smart Campaign Help - Score 10+ Weekly Website Visits

Thanks, these both address the timing issue, but what about multiple pages? The issue I experience is sometimes when someone visits a link via email, it shows up as multiple page visits (due to a spam filter, IT, etc.). So instead of scoring by visits, the idea would be to score on number of different pages visited during a timeframe. 

Level 8

Re: Smart Campaign Help - Score 10+ Weekly Website Visits


These solutions will definitely work, but the challenge is trying to score a record when they have visited at least 10 unique pages per week and then give them a score of 10.

The "minimum number of times" would calculate the same page multiple times and I think that is what Jason is trying to avoid.



Level 8 - Champion

Re: Smart Campaign Help - Score 10+ Weekly Website Visits

I'm not sure, other than Sanford's suggestion, that there is a good out of the box way to track unique visits, aside from tracking every page with a counter from a smart campaign trigger.  That would theoretically give you what you need but it's not very scalable. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Smart Campaign Help - Score 10+ Weekly Website Visits

Floyd is right, there's no way to meet this objective correctly without help from a webhook.

Level 2

Re: Smart Campaign Help - Score 10+ Weekly Website Visits

Thanks everyone - I think I am going to hand-pick ten specific pages and have those as filters on a visit website trigger. That's about all I can do it seems.