Report Or Smart List By SFDC Sync Error

Not applicable

Report Or Smart List By SFDC Sync Error

I am trying to create a smart list or get a statis list of all leads with a specific SFDC sync error.

Does anyone know if this is possible?


Not applicable

Re: Report Or Smart List By SFDC Sync Error

Hi Stephen,

One of my team members has offered the following possible solution for you:

If you are syncing all of your leads to Salesforce and want to look at those with sync errors, I would create a Smart List using the filter "Not Lead was Synced to Salesforce" with Assigned to is "Empty".

This should show you the list of leads that have not synced to SFDC. From here, you could view the activity log of each lead and view the Sync Lead to SFDC Activity Type and see the fail sync reason. This list is going to show everyone who has not synced to Salesforce, so if you do not push all of your leads to Salesforce, those leads will also appear on this list.

The failed sync reason in the activity log should make it easy for you to see if there are common failed sync reasons that you can further troubleshoot.

Referenced from, and possibly a helpful resource for you :

Hope this helps!

Madhu and team