Real time redirect on the basis of specific field

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Real time redirect on the basis of specific field

Ajay, this syntax doesn't work for Advanced Thank You. It is not surprising that it does not work.

Level 3

Re: Real time redirect on the basis of specific field

Is there any other way to achieve this without exposing the list domains ? 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Real time redirect on the basis of specific field

So how should i proceed in this case without exposing the domains and redirect the leads on the basis of domain using Advanced Thank you page ?

Create different Choices.

However, there's another method that occurred to me late last night, and that's pre-hashing (SHA-1 is fine for this) all the domains in your list and then pasting the list of hashes into the {{my.token}} as Jay begins to outline above.

Lookup the hash of the domain in the list of hashes. 

This method will conceal the actual domains, but the lookup will work. If you need only IE11+ support you can do this without any other libraries; if you need IE10 or earlier you'll need a separate JS library, though there are many fine open-source versions of SHA-1.

Level 10

Re: Real time redirect on the basis of specific field

I thought of this too, but it would become an onerous task to check what domains you've included if you're looking through hashed values. Also, if you're going to do this, I'd store the array in an external js file that is included in a master landing page template rather than a token

I'm going to advise again, if you have the resources for it, consider doing an ajax POST to an endpoint in your forms js

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Real time redirect on the basis of specific field

I thought of this too, but it would become an onerous task to check what domains you've included if you're looking through hashed values. Also, if you're going to do this, I'd store the array in an external js file that is included in a master landing page template rather than a token


I'm going to advise again, if you have the resources for it, consider doing an ajax POST to an endpoint in your forms js

Not at all. You maintain the list without the hashes, it takes one click to map to the list of hashes. That's the way anything like this is built.

It would be ridiculous to try to look through hashes -- but there's absolutely no reason for anyone to ever do that.