RTP - Possible to trigger campaign based on actual activity on website?

Level 10

RTP - Possible to trigger campaign based on actual activity on website?

For those using RTP... Is it possible to trigger campaigns to show based on actual activity on a website, such as getting to a certain page (not necessarily after a certain number of clicks, or it being the initial entry page) without writing an event that triggers the campaign? The whole point of us to get RTP was going to be to eliminate our development team from being involved in launching these campaigns.

Either we're going about this all wrong with the ideas of what we're trying to target, or I'm really feeling like we are hardly able to target based on activity -- that it's much more based on information that we can know or infer or about someone. 

Anyone with experience with RTP able to provide some insight here, and maybe provide some guidance as to behavioral-based campaigns that you've successfully executed that have lead to MQLs?
Marketo Employee

Re: RTP - Possible to trigger campaign based on actual activity on website?

Hey Dory,

Assuming that I'm interpreting this correctly, you would want to create a segment that only triggers on navigation to a specific page(s).  To do this, go to your segments and select Create New, then go down to the Advanced Settings button and select specific pages then add your specific URLs.  Let me know if I'm off base here.

Once you've got the segment, you can bind your campaigns to it as you normally would, and it will trigger on navigation to those pages.
Level 10

Re: RTP - Possible to trigger campaign based on actual activity on website?

Hi Kenny.. sorry, I forgot to put in my initial question that sometimes we want the campaign to be triggered after they've been to that page -- but not necessarily right when they hit that page.

For example (basically remarketing, but within our own site), if someone goes to the contact sales page but doesn't fill the form out and then goes to 5 more pages. We might want to present a box that again prompts them to contact sales. I wasn't able to figure out the logic of doing that in a relatively simple way.

Part of me is thinking that we're just off-base here, and our best plan of action is to really target what we know about people and not necessarily about their actions. I just wanted to see if anyone else had any experience setting up more complicated behavioral campaigns.

Thanks for your feedback, though!