RCA Email Performance Report : Unique Clicks - Agg vs Sum

Level 7

RCA Email Performance Report : Unique Clicks - Agg vs Sum

I am trying to figure out what is the difference between Sum vs Aggregate. Is Aggregate based on email address and Sum is based on email itself?

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Level 7

Re: RCA Email Performance Report : Unique Clicks - Agg vs Sum

Here is what I find:

Aggregate - Default. Displayed as Total in table report. Summarizes based on the aggregator of the underlying measure.

Sum - Useful for keeping duplicates in distinct count measures.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: RCA Email Performance Report : Unique Clicks - Agg vs Sum

I haven't noticed a difference between Sum and Aggregate. I stick with Sum.

Btw, Average is calculated on the #Rows/Amounts in cells. So you will NOT get the correct answer most of the time on the overall Avg:

for example:

$Revenue/# Opps = $Avg Deal Size

except that it sees $Total Revenue/# Rows or something instead of the #Total Opps. Do this in Excel instead.

Level 7

Re: RCA Email Performance Report : Unique Clicks - Agg vs Sum

Hi Josh, Thank you.

We notice the difference on the unique email clicks when you break it down by some attribute.