Re: Program Data by rest API

Level 2

Program Data by rest API

When we try to get program data by rest api, we can do it by different ways as below

  1. By Id
  2. By Name
  3. Browse
  4. By Date Range
  5. By Tag Type

In this, when I hit rest api to get program details by Id ie. GET /rest/asset/v1/program/{id}.json
I get all fields including startDate,endDate,tags

but when I hit rest api to get program details by browse ie. GET /rest/asset/v1/programs.json

I didnt get all fields . I only get --> id, name, createdAt, updatedAt, url, type, channel, folder, status, workspace
in which startDate,endDate,tags are not present for same program Ids

As we need all programs with our system, and hitting api on id basis will be too much time consuming,
is there any way we can get all program data in browse itself with all fields

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Program Data by rest API

AFAIK you can't change what you see via Browse.

Maintaining an up-to-date, offline mirror of your Program hierarchy is complex and call-intensive.