Re: Partner company requesting email metrics for email related to them

Level 3

Partner company requesting email metrics for email related to them

I'm just curious if anyone has had this come up before because I can't imagine why this partner company would be asking for this data. Basically we send emails promoting them to part of our list. We have a loose relationship with them and they recently requested the following (we send with a nurture program so obviously #1 is problematic.

  1. Date of email sent
  2. Amount of prospects email was sent to
  3. Open Rates
  4. Click Rate

Anyone have any guesses as to why they'd want this data.

Level 5

Re: Partner company requesting email metrics for email related to them

Hi Liz Davalos​,

I've worked a lot with partner companies in previous roles I have had. This was a common part of our co-marketing campaigns. Unless you have any proprietary reasons not to share, I don't see the issue with sharing the results of the campaign. We never would share specific lead lists or details with our partners, but overall campaign results was fine. They likely just want to understand the reach was to compare to the number of conversions they had on their side. That way they can start analyzing their content and CTAs to see what leads to quality leads. It will also help them understand if they are getting good results from working with your company as a partner.

Level 3

Re: Partner company requesting email metrics for email related to them

We write the emails for them (mostly), but I do see your point. We have a somewhat tenuous relationship right now which is why I am so hesitant, otherwise I also don't see any issue sharing the overall metrics. I just wasn't sure why they'd want them, but if their goal is to improve their content then yes that would make sense.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Partner company requesting email metrics for email related to them

I've added it as a 'close loop' on the project in the past, sort of like a summary of the project and it's results.

"This campaign was for XYZ and involved 2 emails and 1 social media post. We saw 2,000 people register for the event from our outreach (or some other impressive result).

Here are the stats on our emails:
<small table that shows send date, email name (not the marketo one, something like Invite 1, Invite 2, Follow Up), total sent, total open, etc.>

We promoted XYZ on LinkedIn and Twitter and had an amazing 100,000 impressions!

<small table that shows social stats>

Here are the two emails we sent

<include screenshots of the HTML emails so they can't forward/copy and paste, just small images for reference."

That's generally my template for a follow up and I send to stakeholders.