New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

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Level 8

Re: New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

Hi Nicol,

Can you go to the Unsubscribe Form and Unsubscribe Landing page and see where your follow up pages are pointing to?

It looks like on form submission, you are following up with the  instead of the

You can check the form level at


Or on the landing page at (click on the form -> edit)




Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

That won't help. What Nicol is running into is in fact a known deficiency in the Follow-up/Thank URL feature. The only workaround is via JS. I'm finding the old post where I supplied the code.

Level 8

Re: New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

Hey Sanford,

Correct me if I am wrong, but would she not just set it up as "follow up type" external URL and point to



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

OK, just so you realize, you didn't describe this need at all before.  "But I still cannot access the secondary domain, nor publish" doesn't suggest what you're talking about now.

What you're talking about now is a known deficiency in the Follow Up URL (Thank You URL) functionality.

See this post: Keeping Thank You pages on the same CNAME as Marketo LPs

Level 3

Re: New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

I really appreciate all the helpful information posted here, and I've bookmarked your post, Sanford. For our purposes, especially since we won't be very active with the additional brands, I am sending the unsubscribes to a confirmation page that will add them to a list and unsubscribe them from that particular brand.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

Are you saying you no longer care about sending them to the secondary LP domain?

Level 3

Re: New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

Though I was able to send them to the correct LP domain for the unsub page, I was unable send them to the same correct domain for the confirmation page. I was able to create a LP with the correct domain for the unsub confirmation--so we're treating it as a one-click unsub. If they visit the page, I add them to a suppression list for that domain, but we may still retain them to receive material from our original brand. Fortunately, we won't be sending much from any of the other domains, so this is a manageable solution for us.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

I was unable send them to the same correct domain for the confirmation page.

My blog post supplied the code to do exactly that.

If they visit the page, I add them to a suppression list for that domain

I hope you do not mean you're triggering an unsubscribe based only on a Visits Web Page ​event.

Level 3

Re: New Sending Domain Needs New Unsub Page

I'm not triggering an unsubscribe, just adding them to a list that I can in turn use as a suppression list from that particular brand.