Microsoft Dynamics Field Sync question

Level 1

Microsoft Dynamics Field Sync question



I could use some help solving a sync error between Marketo and Microsoft Dynamics. The sync is functional and leads get created in Dynamics but certain fields are not updating between the systems.


Where should I be checking in Marketo and Dynamics to make sure all fields in both systems have the correct permissions to be updated?


In Marketo I have checked that:

  1. The sync is enabled
  2. The fields we want to sync are selected in the sync field details
  3. The fields do not have anything blocking field updates in field management.

I do not have access to the admin side of CRM so I appreciate an insights/specifics about what to check there.


For context this became an issue when we noticed that the phone number on a contact in Dynamics had not been updated after that contact filled out a marketo form with a new number. The phone number changed in Marketo but the contact record in Dynamic did not.

Level 6

Re: Microsoft Dynamics Field Sync question

Hello @Katy_Hickey ,


Can you double check a few things.

Check the field mapping for the field you use on the form.

* Example field may be mapped to a field in DCRM you did not expect.



Check if you have a backlog.  Ask Marketo support for help with that.

Level 1

Re: Microsoft Dynamics Field Sync question

I did make sure that the field was mapped correctly. And Marketo support has not been much help.