Re: Marketo form with save and return option

Level 2

Marketo form with save and return option

I am looking to Create an open ended version of a  Marketo form on a Marketo landing page.

Customers may not be able to complete it in a single go so we need them to be able to save as they go and come back to it later so Need to design a solution that will allow us to save or submit (using prefill, progressive profiling and conditional fields).

Is there any existing examples of how to do this ??

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo form with save and return option

Are you trying to let them save the in-progress fields in that browser session? In other words, not soft-save to the server, but to the client.

Level 2

Re: Marketo form with save and return option

Not necessarily in that browser session but they could come back enter their email and or some other information and the form would show up pre-filled. This is for the case that they close out of the process and come back later to fill the rest of their info.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo form with save and return option

If this needs to work beyond the current browser session, then you'd need to:

[1] post a hidden Marketo form whenever the visible form data changes (this is not really a "soft-save" or hibernation, it's just a partial save to Marketo in the background)


[2] create a lead lookup form in which they can enter their email address, even in a currently anonymous session, and have their stored lead data loaded

This is most certainly a job for a Marketo-fluent JS developer. Note it does not (must not) use the REST API in any way, only the browser-side JS API.  But you've got to know how it all works. Not for the faint of experience.

Or you could build similar logic using a 3rd-party web service to hang onto the partial data before it's committed fully to Marketo. In this case it would be more of a soft-save. But again requires considerable client-side skills.

Level 2

Re: Marketo form with save and return option

Thats great Sanford. Thank you!

So if i was putting these forms on landing page and sending the form landing page out. How do you recommend i identify a person sees the primary form and that they are new vs the fact that they have already filled out info or a lead and point them instead  to the lead identification framework.

or is it best practice to always first have them fill out their email address on a lead identification form first even if they are coming to the page with the actual form for the first time so that if they are already lead in marketo we can pull and pre-populate their info.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo form with save and return option

So if i was putting these forms on landing page and sending the form landing page out. How do you recommend i identify a person sees the primary form and that they are new vs the fact that they have already filled out info or a lead and point them instead to the lead identification framework.

Depends on what you mean by "new." If you're "sending the form landing page out" via a Marketo email, then they aren't new to Marketo (since they're already in your db).

Anyone receiving such an email and clicking on a tracked link will have the requested page, and their entire Munchkin session, associated with their existing lead. Therefore you can't use the simple distinction of known/not known lead.  On the other hand, the fields they have already completed will Pre-Fill. You can hide the form by default and then only display it if you detect that one or more of the fields has not been filled in.

or is it best practice to always first have them fill out their email address on a lead identification form first even if they are coming to the page with the actual form for the first time so that if they are already lead in marketo we can pull and pre-populate their info.

You said you're "sending the form landing page out" but if you mean there's a case where you won't know who they are (i.e. you're not "sending" from Marketo, please be precise about what you mean here) then you can present them with the lead self-identification form in the case where the email address is not already present thanks to Pre-Fill.