Marketo Sales Insight for SFDC Opportunities

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Marketo Sales Insight for SFDC Opportunities


I am trying to see if MSI can be implemented to SFDC Opportunity record. Couldn't find any supporting document for the same, so am here in this forum to get answers.

  1. Is MSI available for SFDC Opportunity record?
  2. If Yes, How does MSI work on Opportunity records? Does it just pull off the account, contact roles, both?
  3. How easy is it to set this up on Opportunity records say for a standard setup? How many minutes or hours would it take?



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Re: Marketo Sales Insight for SFDC Opportunities


Pretty sure this is possible. Might of had this a long time ago, can't remember exactly.

It should be a simple implementation as in pulling MSI and dropping it into the layout. Same as you would for leads/contacts/accounts. Should be minutes.

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Re: Marketo Sales Insight for SFDC Opportunities

Is there any documentation for the same, would be great of you could share if nay particularly for Opps.



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Re: Marketo Sales Insight for SFDC Opportunities

Think link may help: Configure Marketo Sales Insight in Salesforce Enterprise/Unlimited - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

Basically what I'd try out is looking at the Opportunity page layout and adding in a blank space the same you would for lead layout. Not exactly sure what data you would get out of this, possibly just the records attached to the opportunity. Try it out and report back. Interested to hear what actually happens.

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Re: Marketo Sales Insight for SFDC Opportunities

You get the activity and interesting moments for people associated with the opportunity.  I believe it may also be only the activities done during the time the opportunity is open, rather than for "all time".