Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi

We don't use background images - and therefore, our issue has nothing to do with responsive background images.  This has to do with the overall layout that's being wrangled (for those viewing at 125% and 150%) - see my screenshots above - due the required code that Marketo is stripping out in the initial <HTML> tag.  I will post our HTML here shortly so you can see what I'm talking about.  It's actually a very simple layout: top header banner, with main column/right column below the header, and a footer area.

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Re: Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi

Okay, I see what your trying to do. The resolve for this isn't in the code. You need to go to your visual editor( I use Photoshop) and make changes to the actual image.

You need to render the image at 96dpi. I can walk you through the photoshop way of doing it if you would like.

*Once you change the dpi from 72 to 96 your image will scale up, but you can do  a simple image resize to get back to the original image dimensions.

**Let me know if it works. I have really only see the issue occur when using background images but if they are the same issue this should resolve it.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi

We've already tried that, Jonathan - that's not the solution.  The solution is what's included in this thread (and a few others) - which specifically requires Marketo to unluck the head area of the template so that the appropriate code can be inserted.  The solution is well-documented here and here.

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Re: Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi


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Re: Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi

l don't believe I suffered the same issue. But I did use both these articles to come up with the resolve to my issue in the past.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi

Here's some sample code of a basic responsive template for you to see (and test, if you desire): 600px Email layout 2Col.   There are only two main images: our logo and the header banner (and the social icons in the footer). Here's how it should render:


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Re: Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi

Sorry I haven't been on in a few days.

Can you state your issue again, the image renders at 125%? or it doesn't respond?

**Also please note: width="600px" will not work 100% because of the measurement of px. Drop px, width="600" is the proper way to structure the table width attribute.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi

Defining units as pixels will work just fine (just not here because of the code that's being stripped by Marketo).  Here's more info on this issue - along with the solution ( ).  I also describe the issue in great detail above. 

It all boils down to these three basic principles in order to ensure responsive templates render in Outlook when the user's Windows scaling is set to 125% or 150%:

1) Use inline styles and px units on tables. (supported in Marketo)

2) Use this tag to make VML scale. (not supported in Marketo)


3) Use MSO-xxx for cellspacing and cellpadding (supported in Marketo)

This issue has been discussed as much as it can, here on the community.  Now, we all just need to wait for the Marketo engineers to dedicate the time needed to finally fix it.

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Re: Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi

Tables in HTML documents

Calculating the width of columns - section title

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Re: Marketo Removing Code for Image Scaling for Outlook at 125%dpi

Eagerly awaiting this fix.