Marketo Munckin API

Level 2

Marketo Munckin API

What are the impacts of enabling Marketo Munckin API? What are the dependencies that needs to be considered before enabling it?

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Munckin API

The impact (in a good way) is that, armed with a valid Munchkin hash (which can only be generated if someone has access to your Munchkin secret) you can do some special things from the browser.

(1) Updates to lead fields and (2) cookie association with a known lead can both be done without having to simulate a form fill and without consuming any REST API calls (the latter being an extremely important advantage).

These are all good things. I cannot tell you of they're relevant for you because you haven't explained your use case.

The dependency is you need some server-side way of generating hashes. This could be an existing web server, SFDC Apex code, a webhook that calls a remote service from Marketo, or even a Google Sheet or Excel -- depending on how you plan to use the Munchkin API.

Level 2

Re: Marketo Munckin API

Thank you Sanford! We had never enabled the Munchkin API since we went live with Marketo and it's working fine for us. However, this is picked up because we have an integration with Intercom and to enrich the data for the lead created from Intercom we have to enable the Munchkin Api.

Hence, I am unsure of the impacts and consequences of enabling the Munchkin APIs. Also, if I enable the Munchkin APIs what are the areas which I need to revisit in Marketo.


Ayush Aggarwal

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Munckin API

Hence, I am unsure of the impacts and consequences of enabling the Munchkin APIs. Also, if I enable the Munchkin APIs what are the areas which I need to revisit in Marketo.

There's nothing you need to revisit really.

By choosing the Munchkin API, Intercom is being smart about your REST API calls. That's a very good thing. You can't realistically run any kind of public app (nor a private app that sees real traffic) and invoke the REST API in response to end-user activities, like opening chats.  It's an instant Denial of Service vector. Using the Munchkin API is the only way to scale.

Level 10

Re: Marketo Munckin API

Just keep in mind that there is a limit to how many Munchkin calls Marketo can handle. I think it's about a million calls per day (usually equates to page views). For most B2B websites this is not a problem. However, for high-volume websites (like, you may get close to the limit. If you enable the Munchkin API, you may increase this volume of calls and surpass the limit. I'm not exactly sure how Intercom is using this, if it's low volume it shouldn't matter much.