Limiting a Smart List to People NOT contacted in past 60 (or xxx #) of days

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Limiting a Smart List to People NOT contacted in past 60 (or xxx #) of days


I am new to Marketo and just getting started. Feeling more and more confident but I'm looking to add a limitation to an email campaing smart list. I want to include leads/contacts meeting certain criteria (Industry, Title, Company, etc) that have NOT been contacted in the past 60 days. They could have been contacted before, just not in the past 2 months because I don't want to contact someone another team member of mine has been in touch with. The only thing I can find to add is the "Activity was Logged" but even then it doesn't seem to be able to handle the logic "give me everyone meeting above criteria that hasn't been contacted within the past xxx # of days"

I'm sure the solution is simple, just spinning my wheels here! Thanks for the help!!


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Level 10

Re: Limiting a Smart List to People NOT contacted in past 60 (or xxx #) of days

Hi Jared,

I gather by Contacted, you mean "by sales". Usually, this materialize in Salesforce with 3 techniques :

  • Activities such as events or logged calls. Relies a lot on sales discipline and usually very inaccurate.
  • Salesforce campaigns. Often Marketers put leads or contacts in campaign for telemarketers to know which leads to call. And based on campaign member statuses, you may know who has been called or not. The hard point here is to filter on a date to filter out only the 6 last months. It you are lucky, the SFDC campaign has been set up correctly and you can use the "first responded date" constraint. You can also vote here:
  • Lead statuses. Salesforce implementations often use lead statues such as "contacted" or "new" or "uncontacted". This is not good lead management practices, but is this very specific case, it may help you (you can use a "Data value changed" filter on the the status field)


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Limiting a Smart List to People NOT contacted in past 60 (or xxx #) of days

In addition, you can try...

Not Was Sent Email or Not Was Delivered Email in Past 60 days. No guarantee they weren't contacted by Sales though.

Not Was Sent Sales Email if you happen to use MSI alot.